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Skill Tree Public Test Session #2

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#541 Belkor


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Posted 15 May 2017 - 05:28 PM

Why is PGI refusing to refund CBills for all modules unless it was their intention from the start to deny players of the CBills they've grinded hard for. If players don't have the XP to purchase a skill point, then they don't have it. Everyone should be on even footing with the amount of time they've devoted to grind XP for a mech. I've gone out of my way to grind extra XP on my mechs in anticipation of the skill tree system.

This whole system of "The amount of GSP you receive for your Owned Modules is determined by the Total Purchase Value of all your Owned Modules divided by 45,000 (the C-Bill cost of a Skill Point)." is unwanted and a mess.

#542 mad kat


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 03:21 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 25 April 2017 - 11:35 AM, said:

Posted Image

While a significant number of Quirks have been removed from various 'Mechs in this PTS, many Quirks do still remain for a number chassis and variants.

In this PTS you'll see a focus toward ramping down Offensive Quirks, and a complete removal of baseline Mobility Quirks to coincide both with the Skill Tree and and the Engine Desync. Defensive Quirks have only seen a handful of adjustments made. The new Skill Tree is the start of a path which will see us greatly ramp down and re-structure the Quirk system as a whole, but this is expected to be a process occurring over time and future patches, not one sweeping action.

At the moment the interface does not yet make it clear which of your 'Mech Enhancements are derived from player-applied Skills and which are derived from inherent Quirks, but a future patch will feature improvements to the MechLab interface to improve the distinction between Skills from different sources.

In some cases, Enhancements received from a Skill Node will overlap with Enhancements received from an inherent Quirk. For example, unlocking a Torso Speed Skill for a 'Mech which already possesses an inherent Torso Speed Quirk.

In such cases, bonuses received from Skills and Quirks are both added to the base value. For example, a 10% Torso Speed Skill bonus and a 10% Torso Speed Quirk bonus will result in a 20% overall boost to base Torso Speed.

When a Weapon-suite is benefiting from an applied Skill the bonus values will now be conveyed in the Weapon stat tooltip.

Inner Sphere Quirks in this PTS

<a href="https://static.mwomercs.com/downloads/Clan%20Quirks%20-%20Skill%20Tree%20Final%20PTS.pdf">Clan Quirks in this PTS


Do you know the Pretty baby has had a -1000% reduction to Torso turn angle (yaw) in the PDF?

#543 Aramuside


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Posted 18 May 2017 - 01:33 AM

View Postmad kat, on 17 May 2017 - 03:21 AM, said:


Do you know the Pretty baby has had a -1000% reduction to Torso turn angle (yaw) in the PDF?

Bonuses were moved directly to the chassis and skill tree as no longer on the engine.... I suspect they could have put that PDF a lot better.....

#544 Mycroft000


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Posted 19 May 2017 - 02:42 PM

While on one hand I'm still annoyed about not being able to choose between GSP and C-Bills, it turns out it won't matter. It's going to take me so long to get even my favorite mech to a place where I'm satisfied with its performance that I can't spend the C-Bills I did get back let alone a fraction of the GSP I got either. And forget buying new mechs either in game or for real cash until I've gotten a playable number of mechs out of my own inventory.

#545 General Mal Function


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Posted 21 May 2017 - 01:13 PM

After having gone back and reskilled a couple of my mech's I will say I do not like the new skill trees. Why do I have to choose so many crap skills to get to the very few good skills? Missed opportunity.

Simple vertical trees with increasing cost for advancing skills would have done the same without antagonizing players. As it is, it is a dog's breakfast. And as I read through the thread, finding out that mechs have mostly all lost their quirks... another missed opportunity by PGI; why not try to make more mech's more different?
Only 9 days til the next battletech game is released.

#546 Lorginir


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Posted 21 May 2017 - 01:54 PM

Well I refrained from posting until I had a chance to get my pincers on this 'skill tree', but now I can say for sure - skill tree is THE worst thing that happened to MWO, period. It surpasses even introduction of clan mechs. Every single mech I own is now broken. Even with taking the whole mobility tree or heat efficiency trees I can not get them to operate on the same level as before patch. I now wonder why PGI hates their game and playerbase so much.

#547 Gorgo7


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 07:43 AM

Since the skill tree update I can say I am very happy with it and believe it is an improvement, breathing fresh life into old lower tier mechs and narrowing the gap between the top and lower tier machines.
I must say that I did get kinda crazy with the skilling up and then the revamping until i found
http://metamechs.com/ the resources found there for the skill trees are very useful.


Edited by Gorgo7, 03 June 2017 - 07:43 AM.

#548 Shub73


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 10:54 PM

After the improvement of the new skill tree... id play 10 days then quit the game.

This new way of building the mech just destroy the game, i understand for a company that get money from that game, is better increase the number of players instead improve the skill of them, so this new skill tree for players like me... sucks...
Lowers standards and makes the game flat and monotonous, plus it has destroyed the hours of play
I had devoted to making my mech superior to those of a casual player.

For who remain enjoy MWO!

Have fun.




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Posted 20 June 2017 - 02:05 AM

View PostShub73, on 19 June 2017 - 10:54 PM, said:

After the improvement of the new skill tree... id play 10 days then quit the game.

This new way of building the mech just destroy the game, i understand for a company that get money from that game, is better increase the number of players instead improve the skill of them, so this new skill tree for players like me... sucks...
Lowers standards and makes the game flat and monotonous, plus it has destroyed the hours of play
I had devoted to making my mech superior to those of a casual player.

For who remain enjoy MWO!

Have fun.


see you in quick play i guess c(@_@)7

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