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Battle Of Tukayyid 3

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#201 GrimmigerPetz


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 01:13 AM

We are Mercs on IS side atm.

Yesterday we had a 50% win lose ratio. In 4 drops we completed the unit challenge. Even 8 of us vs 7 420m was lost in the end but with enough match score for everyone.

IS Mechwarriors: Try to group up and use the free IS teamspeak or hop on a group. If you are not a total waste of tonnage most premade groups will accept reinforcements. There is also the looking for group option.

Dont feed the clan trolls. Get your balls out again. If the map completely works for clan range, move in cover and engage them at your range. If they use ecm, drop one weapon and add active probe or use UAV.

And for f***s sake, don´t bring LRM boats! Hybrids might work but more that that is a waste of tonnage
and pinpoint dmg.

Midrange and brawl are the strength of IS. Use it!

We will stay IS for 6 more days, if you see us message us. If we have space in our group we will invite you.

But be aware that we are a german, hard drinking bunch of mercs.

Edited by GrimmigerPetz, 06 May 2017 - 01:25 AM.

#202 GrimmigerPetz


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 01:16 AM

View PostSagamore, on 05 May 2017 - 11:47 PM, said:

Would PGI consider giving the losing faction 10 extra tons for the drop deck at the conclusion of the day? Call it "reinforcements" or whatever. I don't see the IS winning a single day. It could make the event more dynamic.

Hey mate,

IS has already an 25 ton advantage. If you add more tonnage you will give the clanners only more matchscore because of more damage they can deal.

Believe me, we play on both sides.

It is not the tonnage, it´s the newer players which usually go IS first because they believe the mechs are cheaper and faster to grind.

They donnot consider that clan mechs already have most of the extras included.

Add the weak (compared to Clan) Trial mechs to complete drop decks, unexperienced in CW, and....BOOM...PUGmaggedon.

Edited by GrimmigerPetz, 06 May 2017 - 01:22 AM.

#203 R4wdigga


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 01:34 AM

Petz, what is your ingame Tag? If you have free space in one of your groups, I would love to join (and drink).

A fellow IS Mechwarrior, and FRR loyalist.

#204 Tiantara


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 01:43 AM

- Well... now I know how looks IS pilots hell - no victory, instant death, no chance to win, and easy winning clan pilots who just press one button to kill target without need to make proper build or place special weapon. Put everything into mech and get payed. Which chance we have if same tonnage mech IS have 30 firepower and clan - 73??
Not to mention better XL clan engine? Every match all XL IS mech die so quick... Hope everyone put STD engine just to live longer and shoot back!

Edited by Tiantara, 06 May 2017 - 01:44 AM.

#205 GrimmigerPetz


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 02:18 AM

Hi Tiantara,

XL Engines can work if the pilot can torso twist, uses terrain and put the XL engines in the right mechs.

But as I wrote above: Many new IS players donnot know better. And most of them donnot check the forums for help at
the beginning.

Try to guide them or make recommenditions for builds.

Thats what we do, even if we suck in a match and die early.

#206 Tiantara


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 02:37 AM

View PostGrimmigerPetz, on 06 May 2017 - 02:18 AM, said:

Hi Tiantara,

XL Engines can work if the pilot can torso twist, uses terrain and put the XL engines in the right mechs.

- IS XL engines weakest part in battle IS vs Clan mech. That killing game and killing all the fun from such event. It part of great imbalance! Make such event before we got light engines - great mistake! Whole time from making IS vs Clan only battle - I see same thing - Clan win, IS drool.
That make me feel bad every time I starting to play FP. And nothing changes...
And torso twist do nothing - if you get hit from greater distance and don't even see enemy mech on radar. Marauder IIC - 2 gauss + 3 ERLL... boom! You have no side torso. And mech, if you use cursed IS XL.

View PostGrimmigerPetz, on 06 May 2017 - 02:18 AM, said:

But as I wrote above: Many new IS players donnot know better. And most of them donnot check the forums for help at
the beginning.

- Many of them use trial mech. Wait, someone try to force STD builds in trial mech but what builds was taken?? Right - tier 1 XL champions mech which good only in pro gamer hands. Who take them in battle? Novice. Why make that mistake and place XL in trial mech - I dunno.
Help change nothing here. Also - IS mech just can't win vs clan if that not a duel...

View PostGrimmigerPetz, on 06 May 2017 - 02:18 AM, said:

Try to guide them or make recommenditions for builds.

Thats what we do, even if we suck in a match and die early.

- I tell everyone who pay - use STD, make mech cold, place 2 type of weapon for short-medium range or long-medium. Noone listen. No victory, no fun, IS side so hardcored now - that I don't even see sense in battle VS Clan anymore.

Edited by Tiantara, 06 May 2017 - 02:48 AM.



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Posted 06 May 2017 - 02:42 AM

View PostChuanhao, on 05 May 2017 - 06:38 PM, said:

What is the current queue? Are there more clans or IS? I will just join the side with less people so I don't need to wait for a game.

Join IS then.

Unlike Clans, we cannot dry drop to victory, it is all insta-drops.

#208 Tiantara


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 02:50 AM

View PostTWIAFU, on 06 May 2017 - 02:42 AM, said:

Join IS then.

- And die trying to achieve victory... For 25 games 1 victory and... I have no enough score for event... Great.

#209 SmokeGuar


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 03:08 AM

Event runs 9 days. Plenty of time to get score at 25 games per day rate. Or not getting score per match?

#210 Terrastras Rex


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 03:38 AM

Hi. T-Rex from [420m] here. Sorry about the scores. Here's some advice I wish I had been given.

- Welcome to faction play, DONT BRING LRMS
- MAX your tonnage, DROP heaviest first, PUSH AS A GROUP.
- Get on Teamspeak! You can find a group this way. Play with them repeatedly, develop a playstyle and call your targets.

Inner Sphere Pros
- Tanky, Brawly, More tonnage
- Midrange
- Cool (use that heat!)
Inner Sphere Cons
- XL engines can be 'torso checked', if you bring one, you'd better twist. Go STD unless its a light mech.

Clan Pros
- Range, Speed
Clan Cons

With that said, InnerSphere's advantage is in the fast moving brawly deathball. Push on the clans and MAKE THEM OVERHEAT. You can only win with courage.

IS will never win a long range trade/snipe/poke battle with clans. IS HAS TO PUSH. Push and make the clans overheat = easy kills.

Forget everything you ever learned about quickplay and hill humping and corner guarding. Push instead. That's how IS can get a victory over clans. Use that tonnage.

#211 Bluttrunken


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 03:43 AM

Thanks for destroying any semblance of balance you had by selling tons of powercreep mechs, PGI.

#212 Renfis


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 03:46 AM

Wow, half a day into the event and IS players are already jumping ship.

As for the whole "clan OP"-discussion, clans have the range and damage (or rather, the ranged damage), everyone knows this. So why the hell play at that game when you're playing IS mechs? Use your tankiness and melt faces in close range instead. Don't play the peek-and-poke sniping game on large maps. Get in cover, let them come to you. Or just bumrush them, together.

Together being the keyword here. I've played MWO for 5-6 months now. I'm in a 3 man unit with two friends from work, we've been playing FP every now and then as clan mercs up until three weeks ago, mainly because we all started out with clan mechs. Then we decided to create IS dropdecks as well, just to cut down on the waiting times.

After playing basically only clan mechs for 3-4 months both in FP and QP, the switch to IS mechs felt like easymode (in QP). IS feels (haven't the numbers to back this up) alot more tanky and brawly. The reason IS are getting their butts kicked in FP isn't inferior mechs. It's because of inferior players.
When dropping solo or grouping with one or two friends into FP on clans side, there's almost always someone calling the drop, even if there's no big premade. Clan players also seem more inclined to actually do as their DC asks.

Switching to IS, I've had only a very few games where someone has freely taken charge. Most of the time you have one or two people with mics who can call out a target at most. Also, there are alot more snowflakes who wants to do their own unique thing on the IS side, even if there is someone who tries to call the drop.
I've tried to call a couple of times, but frankly, I'm not experienced enough and not good enough at how the maps look, mainly because I'm either busy brawling or running like crazy in a light trying to backstab people, so I'd rather let someone else hatch the masterplan.

Actually had a really great game this morning (EU-time) where we lost a defense, we were ahead on almost 10 kills (and we had a DC for the entire match), unfortunately they managed to get our generator in the end. That game was a close loss, which probably would've ended as a complete stomp if it hadn't been for this one guy stepping up and doing a great job at calling drops (can't remember his name, otherwise I would've given him creds for it here).


Also, seriously there was a hint two weeks ago there would be a faction event. Tukkayid has been a thing for two years around this time. Lock your contracts according to what you want to faction with during an event. There was a video on the front page a couple of days before the event.

I'm relatively new, and even I had the hints and the time to make the conscious decision to pick a side in anticipation for a faction event.

And seriously, can you blame PGI for only dropping hints instead of a full blown announcement two weeks in advance and having EVERY SINGLE merc unit jump to clans for this event? Of course they want to keep a semblance of balance between the techs.


Clan isn't OP.
Teamwork is OP, and the clans seem to gather more people willing to actually cooperate and work as a team.
Don't play to the Clans strength, fight them at close range. Out-DPS and overheat them up close and personal.
Start playing together, step up and call the drop, or atleast listen to the guy calling the drop.
If you've got a mic, use it to call out targets and open components.

Edited by Renfis, 06 May 2017 - 03:54 AM.

#213 Commander A9


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 03:56 AM

Correct me if I'm wrong...but this challenge will end at 5am for the US East Coast...

...real nice...

#214 Bluttrunken


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 03:56 AM

Yeah, because you can counter the pure alphas of KDK's, MAD-IIC and their irk with "tankyness" and "superior" CQC. No one tops clans brawling capabilties. Vastly superior Pulselasers and SLs plus lighter SRM's which take less slots and ballistic boats the IS just can't copy or come close to. And the PPC's are better as well, even without counting the TC's.

IS quirks get toned down again and again and Clan just kept getting great mechs. What did we get in the meantime? De nada.

Scouting: Try a bushwacker against a SL nova. That thing chews through ST's in *seconds*. Lighter missiles, yet again. Superior streaks. ETC.

Where, do tell me, is the balance? Give me any IS build I can give you a clan build which is superior. And I don't even have to try. Any Clan apologist trying to say anything different just hasn't *any* clue whatsoever and tries to put it down to the enemies inadequateness, trying *not* to accept that *he* isn't the reason his clan mech performs so good.

I play a EBJ or KDK-3 when I try to get *bored*.

Edited by Bluttrunken, 06 May 2017 - 04:00 AM.

#215 Tiantara


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 03:59 AM

- The main problem - you cant get close enough in IS mech to clan. And sitting in ambush not working in some game mode. Also - you can't get into cover fast enough not being killed from distance. Also - clan mech have more ECM mech in deck. They can create full ECM deck and you have nothing to do with that. And worst of it... they faster and don't die so easy. And I still seee trial mech with damned IS XL in them.

#216 Danjo San


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 04:01 AM

Tukkayid 1: 43%IS - 57%Clan
Tukkayid 2: 46%IS - 54% Clan
Tukkayid 3: 3%IS - 97%Clan

Ok... it is still ongoing and the final result is not cast in stone yet... but, it kinda looks lopsided, along the fact that Clans have pushed to Terra in the previous 3 phases, and are pretty much wrecking IS in 4.1. as well too...
Say what you want... Clans are outright better off at the moment!
The new tech might level that out, however, Easy Mode is real!

edit: typo

Edited by Danjo San, 06 May 2017 - 04:08 AM.

#217 AnHell86


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 04:03 AM


If you are a PUG, don't bother playing Faction Warfare.

Get on TeamSpeak to have a chance against Clans. The FRR has a public TeamSpeak available; drop with them if you are playing Faction Warfare. I joined one of their groups for a single match and it was a world of difference compared to PUG drops.

FRR Public Teamspeak
Server address:
Password: Dragon

Have fun!

PS: I don't find the Clans OP.

#218 Bluttrunken


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 04:04 AM

View PostDanjo San, on 06 May 2017 - 04:01 AM, said:

Tukkayid 1: 43%IS - 57%Clan
Tukkayid 2: 46%IS - 54% Clan
Tukkayid 3: 3%IS - 97%Clan

Ok... it is still ongoing and the final result is not cast in stone yet... but, it kinda looks lopsided, along the fact that Clans have been pushed to Terra in the previous 3 phases, and are pretty much wrecking IS in 4.1. as well too...
Say what you want... Clans are outright better off at the moment!
The new tech might level that out, however, Easy Mode is real!

I had no problems hitting 1200-1500 damage in the recent Tukkayid Events but now? Balance is completely off. It's much worse than Tukkayid 2 at least. I'm still scratching 1000 damage but I've never died so fast. TTK increased immensely. You can barely peak around a corner without losing half your mech. Dual Gauss, PPC's, chained UAC's, Laser vomit.... wtf.

If this doesn't get better I'll switch to Overwatch or Eternal Crusade. I don't want to be gimped just because I prefer good old House Steiner. Sad because I love mech games since my teens but necessary if nothing here changes.

Edited by Bluttrunken, 06 May 2017 - 04:17 AM.

#219 Danjo San


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 04:19 AM

View PostBluttrunken, on 06 May 2017 - 04:04 AM, said:

I had no problems hitting 1000-1500 damage in the recent Tukkayid Events but now? Balance is completely off. It's much worse than Tukkayid 2 at least. I'm still scratching 1000 damage but I've never died so fast. TTK increased immensely. You can barely peak around a corner without losing half your mech. Dual Gauss, PPC's chained UAC's, Laser vomit.... wtf.

I have no problem hitting 1200-1800 now, but that's not the point.
The average IS Pilot in an average Mech vs. the average Clan Pilot in an average Clan Mech. -> Clanner wins
Yes there are strategies that work against Clans. But they require the dedication of the entire Team. and that usually begins with selecting the right dropdeck for the right map and then applying the right strategy.
Where as the Clan Player can easily drop a Hellbringer or Night Gyr. Pop Tart Meta something. he can stand back jump snipe, no need to push, face tanking Mad IICs are a B***
Usually the IS needs to push them. As soon as one Player doesn't listen, brings the wrong build, stands back, blocks movement or whatnot. You are down numbers... suddenly its 10 IS with XL vs. 12 Clanners...
Balance is off too far to make up for that!

Now before anyone pretends I don't know what I am talking about, ... I do have a Clan Account on which I drop occasionally,
My W/L IS is at around 1.21 My W/L on Clan is at 2.4.
Easymode is real

#220 linux4eva


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Posted 06 May 2017 - 04:20 AM

The problem everyone is complaining is not IS vs Clan OP tech.
The problem is Clan vs IS player base: team coordination and skill.
My impression is that most competitive players went for clan meta mechs, so there are less coordinated teams with skillful players on the IS side.
Playing with the IS unit against PUG or not very strong Clanners we win, but playing against IREX, 228 etc we lose.

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