Wow, half a day into the event and IS players are already jumping ship.
As for the whole "clan OP"-discussion, clans have the range and damage (or rather, the ranged damage), everyone knows this. So why the hell play at that game when you're playing IS mechs? Use your tankiness and melt faces in close range instead. Don't play the peek-and-poke sniping game on large maps. Get in cover, let them come to you. Or just bumrush them, together.
Together being the keyword here. I've played MWO for 5-6 months now. I'm in a 3 man unit with two friends from work, we've been playing FP every now and then as clan mercs up until three weeks ago, mainly because we all started out with clan mechs. Then we decided to create IS dropdecks as well, just to cut down on the waiting times.
After playing basically only clan mechs for 3-4 months both in FP and QP, the switch to IS mechs felt like easymode (in QP). IS feels (haven't the numbers to back this up) alot more tanky and brawly. The reason IS are getting their butts kicked in FP isn't inferior mechs. It's because of inferior players.
When dropping solo or grouping with one or two friends into FP on clans side, there's almost always someone calling the drop, even if there's no big premade. Clan players also seem more inclined to actually do as their DC asks.
Switching to IS, I've had only a very few games where someone has freely taken charge. Most of the time you have one or two people with mics who can call out a target at most. Also, there are alot more snowflakes who wants to do their own unique thing on the IS side, even if there is someone who tries to call the drop.
I've tried to call a couple of times, but frankly, I'm not experienced enough and not good enough at how the maps look, mainly because I'm either busy brawling or running like crazy in a light trying to backstab people, so I'd rather let someone else hatch the masterplan.
Actually had a really great game this morning (EU-time) where we lost a defense, we were ahead on almost 10 kills (and we had a DC for the entire match), unfortunately they managed to get our generator in the end. That game was a close loss, which probably would've ended as a complete stomp if it hadn't been for this one guy stepping up and doing a great job at calling drops (can't remember his name, otherwise I would've given him creds for it here).
Also, seriously there was a hint two weeks ago there would be a faction event. Tukkayid has been a thing for two years around this time. Lock your contracts according to what you want to faction with during an event. There was a video on the front page a couple of days before the event.
I'm relatively new, and even I had the hints and the time to make the conscious decision to pick a side in anticipation for a faction event.
And seriously, can you blame PGI for only dropping hints instead of a full blown announcement two weeks in advance and having EVERY SINGLE merc unit jump to clans for this event? Of course they want to keep a semblance of balance between the techs.
Clan isn't OP.
Teamwork is OP, and the clans seem to gather more people willing to actually cooperate and work as a team.
Don't play to the Clans strength, fight them at close range. Out-DPS and overheat them up close and personal.
Start playing together, step up and call the drop, or atleast listen to the guy calling the drop.
If you've got a mic, use it to call out targets and open components.
Edited by Renfis, 06 May 2017 - 03:54 AM.