Here's my 3rd week update on the tree.. Just like most others players that stuck with the game through this frustra.. i mean transition, I did get accustomed to the change. Clicking through the trees requires little to no thought at this point and spec'ing a mech takes about 2 minutes in the UI plus 2 or 3 drops to fine-tune the nodes. That's fine, I can live with that, but did it increase our enjoyment level of the game? hmmmmm
Some mechs that were underperforming before have been made more viable now.. some that were viable before are now not worth playing.. and yet others that were great before are even better now.. I'd say this area is a wash. Although CLAN mechs clearly got a boost over IS so as far getting closer to a balanced state, I don't believe it achieved this. So the question remains, did the change actually
increase enjoyment? I wonder..
LURMS. Now any mech with missile slots and the appropriate tree-quirks can be an effective lurmer.. did all this new-found lurming increase quality of the game? Something to ponder....
I know what I'm
not enjoying.. the loss of playerbase.. I can feel it when trying to find a match (thank God for Oceanic)... certain times of the day scouting and group play is impossible. PGI, with such a small player base you have to realize the game cannot afford such drastic changes that will likely intimidate new players and frustrate a group of established players to the point of giving up on the game (or at the very least taking a leave of absence). For now, I would keep it simple... continue adding maps (at a much more rapid pace however), add more weapon variety, add new or keep tweaking existing game-modes, GET RID OF ALL THE BUGS AND MAKE MORE QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENTS. Stop shaking things up until the player base has at least doubled.
Honestly, if you stop to think about it, are you, as a player,
really having
more fun than you did before? On the fun scale I'd say it was more of a lateral improvement rather than vertical.
Bottom line, at this point. I was having the same amount or maybe even more fun with the game before the tree than now. I'm still dreading having to outfit my 100's of mechs.. and it's not about getting them to perform as well as before, it's about getting them to perform at their peak. This takes time.. time I had
already invested
before the tree.
Although you didn't 'ruin' our game as I stated when I first started this thread, but overall, I don't believe you increased our enjoyment of it... at best it remained the same.
Edited by DAEDALOS513, 07 June 2017 - 03:29 AM.