MechLab scratchbuilding
Posted 19 December 2011 - 11:17 PM
Posted 19 December 2011 - 11:47 PM
Now, as already stated, MWO will ship as a PvP game, no PvE, an MMO very much like Planetside, constant combat for control of a persistant map of the Inner Sphere. So..having to wait hours, days or even weeks to get your ride patched up or customized...yeah..no, that won't make PGI any friends and will kill the game. When you have nothing to do in the game BUT fight other players, sitting around and waiting and not being able to play with NOTHING else to do in the game...why in the hell would anyone stick around for that silly bs? They wouldn't, we all know it, ain't gonna happen no matter what some of you claim you'd do. MWO will be an MMO in the literal sense, but that's it..there's NO game outside the combat, so they can't let make us wait very long at all for repairs and customization. I'd be willing to put up with a half hour wait AT MOST for anything, repairs/customization..and that's just cause I'm a patient guy like that
And..we will be able to customize the Mechs, that's been stated clearly. I only pray they stick with the TT rules on it, not that total bs used in MW4 and MA..seriously..you can't build some of the basic stock variants listed in the TROs for the Mechs in MW4..how the hell is that right? BTech has no 'if that stock only has X in a location, you can't put Y or Z there' rules, that's just something MS did to try and stop boating..didn't work worth a damn either did it, since half the Mechs in MW4 ARE boats by design!
Posted 20 December 2011 - 12:26 AM
guardiandashi, on 19 December 2011 - 10:51 PM, said:
what I have seen is that most of the people who have played the board game want some level of customization in the game, as it is a big part of the "meta" game
many want some restrictions, mabie have it take some time, certain refits requiring access to in game resources that are NOT available everywhere etc.
the people who seem to be most down on the customization are the people who want gameplay similar to MA(AKA) Mech Assault
IE a game which is ALL simple simple gameplay not necessarally "dumbed down" but being forced to choose from what I am going to call a "limited" selection of options
IE examples of what some of these people seem to want....
1 no customization at all, so if it is a catapult, there are only 2 varients of catapults available, the one with 2 lrm 15's and 4 medium lasers, or the one that packs ppc's ... oh wait they do not want that because a catapult with ppc's would confuse their brain because catapults pack lrms..
2 what I am going to call pin point targeting every weapon fired hits EXACTLY on the 1 pixel the crosshairs are centered on with NO deviation allowed.
3 all the time god radar because having to figure out where the enemy is is too hard....
ok mabie I am exaggerating a little bit... but that is how some of these people are coming across to me.
frankly I want the game to be somewhat more complex than paper rock sizzors, I want customization so you can't be completely complacant, I want to have the "computer" to simulate having a "warbook" and have to "look up" a mech by siloette (sp) and even having to not automatically know what varient it is until it starts shooting, I do not want it to automatically "Know" what is mounted on your "custom" mech before you start shooting
I want there to be the possibility of "tactical" and strategic surprises
And thats why i hope they put any little electronics from the rules in the game, i would love to field my "crow" (raven, 45 tons, any little piece of electronics there is including stealth armor, i know everything, the enemy not^^) and when they do want to make scouts worthwhile this would be the best that could happen, as the lore likes to say (and the guy on s7 in mw4) light mech pilots are a ***** bunch of weirdos that have the most modified crazy chassis...
Doesnt anyone see how it is actually fun to kill someone's most proud config with your own? (and not the stupid mentioned gausszilla)
Btw this is a true boat
Also on the tt, lb-x boats usually are more spited, they can crit you to the clanworlds and back to sian in a single turn
(oh and i know, if i could ever afford it, i would build the "omfg", 306 hardened, composite, rac10, tsm, tons o pulse, 100 ton 4/5/4, and 2 rf mg's on the back, 1 crit and BOOM)
Another way to balance this would be, as someone mentioned, to pay the labor costs, that would make a custom mech costy past simple equipment
ps: i think it is obvious i like custom build machines^^
Posted 20 December 2011 - 12:31 AM
Posted 20 December 2011 - 12:45 AM
What's the suggestion from the against customization crowd? Ban these mechs? where do you draw the line? how many lasers/missiles/ballistics constitutes a boat?
Posted 20 December 2011 - 01:27 AM
Yes every now and then I would get my but kicked, then I would go back and twike a little and make it a better mech.
So please make it so we can modify our stock Mech's
What you should drop is Unlimeted Ammo and No Heat, unless you playing on a air less moon.
Posted 20 December 2011 - 02:02 AM
Tho id love to see dfferent weatherconditions, playing on a stormy volcanic hell should **** up your ballistics and heat, while inside a blizzard you cant see anything but dissipate heat fast
Posted 20 December 2011 - 02:24 AM
Posted 20 December 2011 - 05:20 AM
Wolvers, on 20 December 2011 - 12:45 AM, said:
What's the suggestion from the against customization crowd? Ban these mechs? where do you draw the line? how many lasers/missiles/ballistics constitutes a boat?
Boating is not the only argument against full customization. There are several others. For my part, the most fun I've had was when I was playing MW:LL and MPBT:3025. They both had no 'MechLab, meaning you had to learn how to use each 'Mech and their variants the way they were supposed to be played. You also had to learn their weaknesses and remember them to be good in combat.
To me, learning all the different 'Mechs and learning how to recognize the variants by looking at its guns was a thrill.
With full customization, that aspect is gone completely. Other than the general look of a 'Mech, you can't know what weapons, armor or internals it has, or where to hit it to do most damage, since it could almost be just about anything.
For this reason (let alone the boating issue which is an obvious balancing problem), I would prefer to have controlled customization in the form of Refit Kits only, where only "PGI approved" modifications could be made (i.e. to go from one variant to another).
This is not MechLab Online after all, it's MechWarrior Online! So I don't see why it "HAS" to have a full blown customization system.
PS. Crying to PGI claiming you won't play if it's not in there the way you want it won't change anything.
Posted 20 December 2011 - 06:04 AM
Or depending on your Character traits, start with x C-Bills to make some mods to represent a family owned ride.
Posted 20 December 2011 - 06:31 AM
ALso the possibility of custom mechs would force you to know the enemys, not only the ride, you have to anticipate what they could be doing next and adapt to THEM, not only the machine, but to the pilot as well, that could be also made that when you have fought someone and your mech got the chance to scan their ride, next time it would be in your database, allowing your onboard computer to tell you where actually is what. This would also be in the lore, as a mech doesnt know what a mech is on the first encounter (example, the first clan sightings, and how their onboard systems went batshit crazy)
btw heres a thing many of you mw players dont know, on the tt it is even possible to allocate the crits, theres some (me) who abused that to put equipment to slots that have the lowest chance to be hit, and stuff endo-steel/ferro-fibrous between. Theres even an example from fasa, the cauldron born had on its official sheet some very interesting critical slot distributions.
Posted 20 December 2011 - 07:25 AM
Alekto Serenis, on 20 December 2011 - 06:31 AM, said:
The game your thinking of is Assault Tech 1 : Battletech. which did start as a MW2 remake but grew bigger.
Edited post to add the images below for the last Public Version of AT1:BT
Note on the mechs Both Versions of the same core one Game ID (AKA both Catapults only have one Core Mech ID, and both Rifleman IIc have One Core Mech ID). Due to the fact (Sake906 a great programer 1st) he made a Lego Model system in the engine for the Mechs. So we can on the fly Change a mech's image based on the weapons add to the it.
Edited by wolf74, 20 December 2011 - 08:17 AM.
Posted 20 December 2011 - 09:35 AM
Lan'ed it a few times with some of my old gamer friends, its awesome
Posted 20 December 2011 - 11:08 AM
As for MPBT on GEnie..or the BattleTech 3025 that EA worked on..neither of those systems allowed customization due to how their game worked. You didn't OWN your Mechs in those games, you belonged to a House and the Mechs were assigned to you, just as it works in the TT game, you don't get to customize the Mechs assigned you by the House militaries. At least not until you've gained a few upgrades in rank AND been able to save up a Mechload of c-bills to pay for the work..which ain't easy to do when you are in a House unit..salvage rights ain't the same as for Merc units and soldiers, even Mech pilots, don't make a fortune
Customization is part of the BTech experience, and it was even part of the MW4 and MA experience, albeit in really messed up ways, it was STILL in them. Solaris..the one thing that anyone who played MW4 can agree on as being a great thing, was ALL about customization, from it's original version in the BTech series to the way it was done in video games. Never knew what you'd face in Solaris, which was all part of the challenge...and fun.
And not being able to know exactly what that Mech you are aiming at has on it..so what? Once it starts firing at you, you can usually figure out what it has and where it's located. In BTech, we have computers and sensors that can determine what a Mech is carrying on it and display that in your cockpit. I don't see why PGI can't do the same thing for us in MWO, after all, MW4's BAP allows you to see exactly what weapons anything you are facing is carrying.
Posted 20 December 2011 - 01:11 PM
Posted 20 December 2011 - 01:52 PM
TheBossHammer, on 20 December 2011 - 01:11 PM, said:
SLDF era clan upgrades for solahma troops and later sale to stravags
IS TimberWolf
IS Naga
IS Nova
Please, i understand some of you do not know all of the lore, but some of us fans that know and love battletech for a good 20 years (or 25 to those that have the age) are probably mostly drawn to mwo because of them wanting to stay as true to it as possible, that even includes custom designed refits to individual mechwarriors (rpg&tt rules).
Take a look at the mentioned mw2mercs, it stays true to the core rules, and building a boat can get you easier killed then creating something more thought out.
But please, in the name of whatever is holy to you, do not even make it anymore dumber then microsoft did.
Posted 20 December 2011 - 02:01 PM
Kristov Kerensky, on 20 December 2011 - 11:08 AM, said:
What about MechAssault!? It had no mechlab either!
but it did have an Uziel with a 'Bushwhacker' variant. Bushwhacker, thats not a real mech anway, right? Just hte name of an Uziel's variant? n__n Ahh.. mechassault, the best example of 'non arcade' mechwarrior because it had no mech lab. and mech labs are only in arcade versions of mechwarrior! which means MW3 was an arcade game too!
Posted 20 December 2011 - 02:10 PM
MechAssault does not exist... Any memories of it are dreams of an alternate, worse, universum.
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