metallio, on 26 May 2017 - 06:54 AM, said:
What's the harm in having a QP-style solo queue?
You already can't get games. It's b!tched about constantly here in the forums.
You already have problems with seal clubbing.
You already don't want solos playing in your group queue.
You already don't want new players playing with you.
WTF does it hurt for them to play and learn these game modes and maps in a quick play style mode?
Are you really going to lose group players to that solo queue? How? Your group play population is already on life support and doing so badly that talking about pulling the plug isn't even hypothetical anymore.
Are you worried that there will be seal clubbing in the solo queue? ...ok...? What's different for the new player there or the advanced player? The absolute worst it could possibly be is the current situation in group queue.
Are you worried people will like it better? ...well...good for them? It's not going to shut down the group queue so who cares? You? Are you the reason people can't play even the tiniest bit of advanced mechwarrior that we all wanted solo? Because...why? Because you won't lose anything?
How could your experience in your little corner of the internet change?
Tuk3 was a giant mess of PuGs and was a great example of what it'd look like if we just had a solo queue for FP. People played the cr@p out of it and undisciplined group vs undisciplined group turned out to be pretty good games while the FP snobs were fighting over points in the scouting queue. you really think having more people enjoying FP style combat will result in FEWER people in your group queue?
That's about as asinine a concept as I've heard all year and I've been keeping track of both PGI and POTUS twitters.
Make a solo queue. Make it available to everyone just as easily as QP is. Make it not count towards planet ownership, fine. Let people play the damn game.
Someone wasn't here for synch drop days. Guys, remember those?
You think this is bad?
Wait until you get 3-4 people of the same unit "accidentally" (on purpose, or by genuine accident) show up on the same team in FP QP.
You wanna learn the mode? We've all been repeating the same answer to that demand since day 1 of CW literally. Hop on TS, ask people for advice in forums, or on TS, and practice. You don't need to be in a unit, you don't need to be in a group to do that, you just need to have the will to go "hey guys, I'm new here. What do I do?"
What, you think we were all born knowing how to play CW? I haven't done a CW drop in a while, but when I dropped solo, on a map I've never been on, I asked people, and followed the group, working with them.
As previously mentioned in my longer post: "Solo" isn't referring to someone dropping alone. It refers to a specific mentality and mindset. One that almost everyone holds to be cancerous. The idea of dropping alone, not working with your team, and thus harming their chances of winning the match, thus ruining the game for them.
Edited by IraqiWalker, 26 May 2017 - 03:13 PM.