KingCobra, on 14 June 2017 - 06:44 PM, said:
You do seem confused a lot? let me try to help you out here.
I suggested a split FP queue system to try and retain more players to FP for solo/casual/new players and groups/units
First FP queue have 1-2man group + 10 random pugs/casual/new players Vs 1-2man group + 10 random pugs/casual/new players . that's not hard to comprehend is it? have them all be mercs with same rewards we have now.
Second FP queue 4man-12man unit/groups Vs 4man-12man unit/groups all must be loyalists with rewards they have now.
If you want you can scroll back to some of my other posts for more info now that's not hard to comprehend is it?
KingCobra, on 06 June 2017 - 11:48 AM, said:
If anyone should be excluded from FP it is the units/groups that need there own MM queues and keep there only US!!! attitude's TO THERE SELFS.
Say what again?
KingCobra, on 22 May 2017 - 08:34 PM, said:
Actually there are enough pugs to fill out PUG Vs PUG battles in FP 24/7 this was evident by how many PUGS turned out to play in the tukkayyid event.
Lie. If that was true then where are your mythical pugs to fill CW 24/7 after events close? They are back in QP. They do NOT play CW unless bribed and when bribed they complain, like you, about how bad they do playing QP with respawn.
KingCobra, on 07 June 2017 - 06:43 AM, said:
A matchmaker in FP is a total waist of time what would work is allow just 2man groups to drop with pugs/solo/casual players as it is now.
Whaaaat?! If a FP mm is a waste of time, why are you proposing one? Again, you read what you wrote, ever?
And I have scrolled back and read the BS, double talk, and deflection you have posted over and over.
Quickly got tired pointing out your fallacies and avoiding answering questions.
Repeatedly it was pointed out to you, from actual experiences, how your suggestion was tried and failed. How it was bypassed by solos and changed nothing.
Your aversion to participating is documented and well known now by your own hand. Facts do not line up with what you say.
You want CW rewards without having to actually participate in CW
You want a solo only queue that you and a buddy, in group, can play and farm solo's or get farmed by solos.
You want up to 6 different units in a group and yet do not want to face more then one/two different units.
You want to farm bays and cbills but never be able to tag a planet, you want the loot without the work.
And you have the balls to call people snowflakes?
And before you want to try that 'woe is me, they are all attacking me' BS, if I was to personally attack you, everyone would know it. Only attacking this stupid idea you keep pushing for with selfish, self serving, and dishonest motives.
Maybe you and your one-two person Unit should focus efforts into allowing solo play in Group Queue and allowing 2man groups into QP. Get that to work before passing the infection into CW.