Dee Eight, on 18 June 2017 - 12:07 AM, said:
Play battletech... values set in stone for decades...come to MWO and wonder what crack pipe they were smoking to arrive at the damage/heat values for these lasers... then laugh at all the butthurt players crying when they finally try and re-balance the values closer to the original battletech source material.
I get very tired of people using tabletop as an excuse for messing up MWO. The two games are extremely different, and rightfully so.
In table top, people typically control multiple units, not one unit per game. Additionally, heavier units are simply more powerful than light ones, but they are worth more points so you can't bring as many of them. None of that has anything to do with balancing a game where it is always the same number of units per side and everyone only gets 1 mech per match. In MWO, the balance choices must be made very differently than tabletop since they are vastly different games. Finally, tabletop itself has balance issues; just because it's been around forever doesn't mean it's balance is perfect.
Ugh... it's not unlike the grognards I still run into who think all weapons should have the same firing rate. When I then ask them why anybody would take an AC 2 if it has 1/10 the DPS of an AC 20, all they can say is, "uh, range." yes... because doing nothing at long ranges is sooooo effective.

MWO is not tabletop.
As for the changes, some make a bit of sense, but most of them are trash and reek of the dartboard of balance. Lights will get hammered most by this, and they are the least played weight class already. Smart move PGI - really smart.