Nathaniel Johns, on 23 June 2017 - 06:06 AM, said:
Team still. "INCOMING MISSILE" "Incoming MISSILE"
Stop there, This is the point where you need to make a decision. People can talk about AMS, radar derp, but what you need at that very moment is COVER. Where is the nearest cover and how can I get to it.
Now lets back that tape up. You should always be looking at the minimap and plotting your routes to maximize the use of cover until ,at least, the majority of the enemy team is spotted. Leave scouting to the lights and fast mediums, a heavy or an assault caught in the open is a prime target - so why would you offer yourself up? If you're taking multiple waves of LRM's the most likely reason is it's your fault. Are you under a UAV? Are you being spotted by an enemy light? Are you standing in the open? Good players don't get hit by multiple waves of LRM's because they are never far from cover. That's why you rarely see good players use them, they are too easy to avoid.
If I get killed by LRM's I either failed to kill or drive off what was spotting me or got caught out of position (too far from useful cover) and thus my fault (or it's the end of the game and I don't care).
It's not that hard, practice moving with the team, but knowing where the closest cover is and how to get there. You'll find LRM's are not very effective at all.