New Pts Changes As Of 1 Pm Pdt Friday, June 30Th
Posted 01 July 2017 - 02:22 AM
Posted 01 July 2017 - 02:31 AM
Will also see if it is possible to mix Laser AMS and standard AMS.
You can mix it. So for those having issues with 3 Laser AMS being unable to fight, take 1 or 2 Laser AMS and sport the remaining slot(s) in standard AMS.
Edited by Koniving, 01 July 2017 - 02:33 AM.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 02:35 AM
Seikosha23, on 01 July 2017 - 02:22 AM, said:
Learn to shoot?
Quad (Real) Gauss with twin Gauss restriction.
Edited by Koniving, 01 July 2017 - 02:35 AM.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 02:38 AM
The problem left is LB20X with 11 slots, make it 10 please !
The ATM needs to have the minimum range remove, they will be useless. Plus they are useless if the ennemy has an AMS. And you know that sometimes there is some triple AMS kitfox or Nova, they will made the weapon even more useless.
I think than you can increase the damages of the light Gauss to 10 to make it more usefull too. Right now the standard gauss eclipse it. It's too heavy for only 8 pin point damages. And we should be able to charge three in one time, not only two. We can charge two regular gauss for 30 pinpoint, why not three light gauss for 24 pinpoints damages ?
Posted 01 July 2017 - 02:40 AM
Rhialto, on 30 June 2017 - 04:54 PM, said:
- UAC/20
- Fixed Ammo tuning to appropriate amount, 21 shots per ton, 9 per half ton
Remember it fires in bursts of 3 for the full 20 damage, then compare to an AC20
AC20 - Full ton / Half ton ammo - 7 / 3
Now multiply those by 3 projectiles for the UAC version
UAC20 - Full ton / Half ton ammo - (7x3) 21 / (3x3) 9
Posted 01 July 2017 - 02:45 AM
Sereglach, on 30 June 2017 - 08:05 PM, said:
Are you talking about the heat generation?
That's ghost heat. A single RAC isn't listened to by ghost heat so it works fine.
Twin RACs cause the ghost heat thing to listen. "He fired 2 RAC, now I must listen for a third within 0.5 seconds."
Thing is an RAC fires 4 times per half second.
This means you fired 2.... 2.... 2... 2... for a total of "8 RACs" in a half second. And because of this, no reset in the timer.
Now, 0.5 seconds later to complete the full second you've fired 16 RACs.... 32 RACs... 64 RACs... 128 RACs... Hopefully by now you've been shut down for firing "128" RACs at the same time.... or so ghost heat thinks.
This is a UNIVERSAL or GLOBAL problem with ghost heat and how it detects the abuse of alpha strike fire, as it was intended to include macros for firing PPCs within less than 0.5 seconds of each other. RAC just happens to trigger it like the old AC/2s did before their cooldown nerf.
The obviously solution options are to:
1) remove RACs from ghost heat.
2) Remove ghost heat.
3) Convert to 2.0 as energy drain can account for this without having to penalize you.
4) Do nothing and pretend it is a feature.
All it really does is jam under a single RAC climbing up the "Cooldown" bar until it hits the top. It's actually really damn cold.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 02:59 AM
Posted 01 July 2017 - 03:09 AM
Koniving, on 01 July 2017 - 02:35 AM, said:
Quad (Real) Gauss with twin Gauss restriction.
Well first of all, thats Clan (real) Gauss that weighs less and take less slots, mounted in a 100 ton mech. Comparing the 4 Gauss alpha damage of 60 to the 32 damage of 4 Light Gauss doesn't make sense to me.
4 Gauss build is literally impossible on IS mechs due to the tonnage and slots, and the Light Gauss is an Inner Sphere weapon. Mounting 4 Light Gauss is less tonnage efficient, less slot efficient, and only gives 2 more alpha damage than mounting 2 normal Gauss. The only reason why one would want to mount 4 Light Gauss is due to higher dps, and lower charge time, making them effective in close range.
So please provide some explanation to why you think it should be restricted instead of just insulting people.
Edited by Litago, 01 July 2017 - 03:12 AM.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 03:09 AM
Koniving, on 01 July 2017 - 02:35 AM, said:
Quad (Real) Gauss with twin Gauss restriction.
Light Gauss is less damage and less CD. Try it with the light Gauss and you can see that fielding more than two ist useless. It would be usefull if i can use 3 or 4 at the same time.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 03:34 AM
also mrms either need a dmg boost with a minimum range or a much higher velocity. firing at static targets is fine but once the enemy starts to move at 250m+ range you arent going to hit anything. in my opinion MRMs need to be range 90-450m speed of 500m/s or more with a dmg of more than 1 per missile before they are going to see any effective play.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 04:09 AM
The Heavy Machine Gun. They weight twice as regular machine gun and require twice the amount in ammo ! I have made the test with regular machine gun versus HMG, and they have the exact same amount of ROF.
It's completely silly. Those guns are suppose to save some lights mechs of the dust, but they will do nothing ! I'm thinking about Huggin, Anansi, Ember and Locust 1V. Now you have to invest double the wieght for the gun and for the ammo ? It's insane !
They are suppose to be a weapon for light.
Example on the Huggin : i can't take Artemis right now with my two SRM4 launcher. If i want to upgrade my four MG into HMG i have to invest 2 tons for the guns and 2 tons for the ammo ! 4 tons on a light mech ?! That's huge.
And the DPS will be better but at a range of 88 meters and with a worst spread... Yup. An other trash weapon in dat PTS.
At least made them 2000 ammos per ton, please. Clan mech are victorious on this one with HMG at 0.5 tons per weapon.
Edited by Aleski, 01 July 2017 - 04:11 AM.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 04:33 AM
Litago, on 01 July 2017 - 03:09 AM, said:
Well first of all, thats Clan (real) Gauss that weighs less and take less slots, mounted in a 100 ton mech. Comparing the 4 Gauss alpha damage of 60 to the 32 damage of 4 Light Gauss doesn't make sense to me.
4 Gauss build is literally impossible on IS mechs due to the tonnage and slots, and the Light Gauss is an Inner Sphere weapon. Mounting 4 Light Gauss is less tonnage efficient, less slot efficient, and only gives 2 more alpha damage than mounting 2 normal Gauss. The only reason why one would want to mount 4 Light Gauss is due to higher dps, and lower charge time, making them effective in close range.
So please provide some explanation to why you think it should be restricted instead of just insulting people.
The point is that you can just fire them back to back in exactly the same way. Nothing about it being overpowered or anything like that. All Gauss are tied together. Do I think it's fair? Not really. But we have ghost heat 1.0, there's no exceptions and if we make them, then we'll have 4 Light Gauss + 2 Regular Gauss or 2 Regular Gauss + 2 Heavy Gauss all fired at once.
If we had Ghost Heat 2.0, we could make it so that 4 Light Gauss is okay, and 2 Light Gauss would behave like 1 Gauss, so 1 Gauss + 2 Light Guass would then be okay but 3 Light Gauss + Gauss would be punished as 2.5 Gauss, and 2 Gauss + 2 Light Gauss would be punished as 3 Gauss. (This isn't to say the builds are possible, but the overarching issue of ghost heat.)
We don't have it.
And the missing word...
If I had remembered that final word I think there wouldn't have been any confusion. The point is you can fire them one pair then the other pair and do just fine regardless of the type of Gauss. Just bring it and use it.
In fact, I've been running quad Light Gauss on the Marauder to superb effect for a couple of matches. It just boils down to Learn to Shoot Consecutively. I'm about to run twin Gauss + twin Light Gauss; I'm quite excited..
Edited by Koniving, 01 July 2017 - 04:42 AM.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 05:05 AM
What happened: A new sound played. I call it the "Try to load but no ammo" sound.
How it happened: I was charging the Light Gauss Rifles to fire while I had ammo. My ammo was then subsequently destroyed during charge up. The twin Light Gauss Rifles began to make a putttering sound. It was pretty cool.
What also happened: Unsure if related. "Ammunition explosion detected." This is despite the fact that none of my Gauss Rifles (Light or standard) had 'died', and I had no internal damage on where the rifles are mounted.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 05:10 AM
Sereglach, on 30 June 2017 - 08:05 PM, said:
6. Completely remove minimum range on ATMs. They're supposed to do extremely high damage at point-blank range; and then drop off into LRM range. They're not as pinpoint as SRMs for brawling, they're not as ammo-efficient as LRMs at long range, but they're supposed to be a well rounded missile system for any range. These fail at doing that with their minimum range. It just needs to go away entirely.
"...not as pinpoint as SRM for brawling" lol good joke. srm were never pinpoint at all, not even with the use of artemis, neither are the LRM ammo-efficient by any definition.
ATM are way too strong with or without minimum range. a stormcrow outfitted with these would be even more OP than it allready was with the streaks at some point.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 05:11 AM
Seikosha23, on 01 July 2017 - 03:09 AM, said:
It wasn't about the damage.
It was about the technique used to employ 4 Gauss-type weapons in consecutive fire to get around the 2 gauss charge lock, hence the phrase "Learn to shoot (Consecutively)."
I've used 4 Light Gauss on now 3 matches to net a total of 7 kills on two different mechs with no skill tree.
I've used twin Light Gauss + twin Gauss on my first match a bit ago using the Mauler and achieved modest results mainly due to my lack of speed and standard engine. If I could get my hands on a mech with 100 ton mech with 4 torso and 2 arm mounts (or vice-versa) without hand or lower arm actuators I'd be set. I'd also be sporting 6 Gauss-type weapons.

Edited by Koniving, 01 July 2017 - 05:13 AM.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 05:22 AM
Aleski, on 01 July 2017 - 04:09 AM, said:
The Heavy Machine Gun. They weight twice as regular machine gun and require twice the amount in ammo ! I have made the test with regular machine gun versus HMG, and they have the exact same amount of ROF.
It's completely silly. Those guns are suppose to save some lights mechs of the dust, but they will do nothing ! I'm thinking about Huggin, Anansi, Ember and Locust 1V. Now you have to invest double the wieght for the gun and for the ammo ? It's insane !
They are suppose to be a weapon for light.
Example on the Huggin : i can't take Artemis right now with my two SRM4 launcher. If i want to upgrade my four MG into HMG i have to invest 2 tons for the guns and 2 tons for the ammo ! 4 tons on a light mech ?! That's huge.
And the DPS will be better but at a range of 88 meters and with a worst spread... Yup. An other trash weapon in dat PTS.
At least made them 2000 ammos per ton, please. Clan mech are victorious on this one with HMG at 0.5 tons per weapon.
Same rate of fire, 40% more damage per shot. It was 50% more damage per shot which would have been fair (and identical to the difference between MG and HMG in tabletop) but their crit chances allowed them to insta-gib weapons. It should be put back to 50% more damage but then considerably reduce the crit chances.
It uh... doesn't have actual spread? Just aim at the target. Do not lead. It hits instantly. the particle effect is a lie, it's a laser that takes bullets. (This is true of all "MG" and "Flamer" weapons; they are hit-scan, they hit instantaneously just like lasers and the MGs of all types compliment lasers and especially pulse lasers very well. The particles are lies.)
Edited by Koniving, 01 July 2017 - 08:48 AM.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 05:25 AM
Lots of bugs still with Stealth Armor.
For the Size/Weight of HPPC 15 damage PPFL is reasonable.
Ghost heat on LPPC at 3 is better than nothing. My raven is happy.
The light guass is still meh. Would like to see 10 damage. maybe with longer cool down.
No ultra AC20 ghost heat? Interesting.
LBX20 needs to be 10 slots.
The other LBXs are worthless. Modeling them after the LBX10 and ignoring BT would make sense.
I still hate racs and if they were not bad enough the ghost heat bug ruins them.
MRMs feel better but not by much.
Starting to agree with people the heavy gauss could use a slot reduction. Would like to run it on mediums and heavies with a LFE.
Heavy machine guns no longer feel completely OP against structure. Need to test more.
I love LFE.
ER smalls and mediums work good.
Heavy gauss feels better but its still very nitch. Would like to see this one reduced to 10 slots also. A LFE300 saves 4.5 tons over a STD. That's hardly game breaking. In my case I would be adding armor to limbs and ammo.
Edited by Kaptain, 01 July 2017 - 05:49 AM.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 05:28 AM
ATMs The reduction of minimum to TT 120 instead of 180 is a huge dynamic I like to see. Alot of hate for them, but that is the thing for a dynamic weapon system as opposed to a simple system. Like it the way it is, but tweaks to missile health might help for AMS issues.
11 crit weapons. Until there is a way to have dynamic weapons slots, make them 10s.
UAC20s need ghost heat
Sound for IS er sm/med laser are out of place when compared to sm/med laser. I use the er lrg to lrg laser sound as a comparison.
Light Gauss: I used AC10 as a comparison. I like where the LG is, but for the main stream it is going to be an odd weapon. Firing faster might be a thing. Just slightly more than half of normal gauss might be in order so that it doesn't become a replacement dual weapon system.
The order of the weapons listed is all over the place. Group pulses together, all MGs together, and by god, please put them in order by power. IE, ATM 3, 6, 9, 12. Not 12, 3, 6, 9
LBx2s have sound desync problems. Cooling related
LBx5 same as above.
Hvy PPC. HOT, yes hot. Not sure what to think of them yet. The miminum dmg drop off they have. PERFECT. In fact PERFECT for ALL PPC, light PPC, and hvy PPC. If incorporated to all those weapons, you would have hit the ball out of the park.
Need to put weapons in order and by groups. By got also by damage. ATM 12,3,6, 9? ATM 3, 6, 9, 12 please by GOD
Edited by shopsmart, 01 July 2017 - 05:33 AM.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 05:30 AM
Aramuside, on 30 June 2017 - 11:17 PM, said:
PGI said to...
"It is advised that anyone wishing to test the new Missile weapon systems on PTS to take the Artemis Guidance Mech upgrade to test currently intended spread test values. "
Not take off, but take as in to use it.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 05:47 AM
Koniving, on 01 July 2017 - 05:30 AM, said:
"It is advised that anyone wishing to test the new Missile weapon systems on PTS to take the Artemis Guidance Mech upgrade to test currently intended spread test values. "
Not take off, but take as in to use it.
The wording of the first sentence indicates it is a bug, as it is unintentionally boosting MRM, ATM and RL spread attributes. Then it is reasonable to infer that last sentence should have said to "to take off the Artemis Guidance Mech update".
Edited by Tarl Cabot, 01 July 2017 - 05:48 AM.
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