But why do we hybridize SRM-LRM in the first place? Isn't that so we have reliable up-close weapon so minimum range of the weapon wouldn't screw us over? Powerful as the ATMs are over SRM-LRM hybrid, that 120m minimum-range is hampering, it goes against the point of the SRM-LRM hybrid. It's just another mid-range monster of a weapon, when ATMs were supposed to be a missile system that works on any range, but is paid by low ammo/ton, and being bulky. Right now it has those drawbacks, but not ample benefits to justify it.
I propose no minimum range, with the range distribution at 0m-180m-540m-900m.
Between 0m-180m, you won't be screwed by not having a decent close-range damage, but to only use the weapon under 180m is just not a good idea. It takes too much time to get in range, and enemies can get outside of it pretty easily. You could have done more damage by shooting from 540m as you get to 0m. However it does answer the "Backup weapon" portion, the part where you're not screwed over by range, like SRMs above 270m or LRMs below 180m. SRMs also does better damage at 180-270m too, with better heat efficiency for a brawl.
180m - 540m, 4x LRM10A does better DPS than a 2x ATM12 of the same tons. So if you're going to stay above 270m anyways, why even bother with an ATM boat? Go LRM boat.
540m - 900m, yes you still do damage, but at 72 ammo/ton, it's dreadfully inefficient and is particularly wasteful. Not to mention that your DPS just goes down versus a normal LRM with spotter. It's only usable due to being fire-and-forget, but honestly it's just wasteful that a responsible LRM boat would just get closer instead.
So at either range, it doesn't do anything particularly well, but as a weapon system at it's totality, it won't screw you over with range like other missile systems do.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 04 July 2017 - 03:20 PM.