Greyhart, on 13 July 2017 - 02:42 AM, said:
As there is no MW5 forum.
The only from MW5 a Trailer with manxy HBS Assets ...thats all in the last 7 months..all infos deadline
how do you think the mech lab in MW5 should work?
1. as MWO
2. as MW4
3. As MW2+3
4. other
Just want to know peoples thought.
Also who knows if there is a strong consensus it might be early enough to be implemented.
and as a final thought. I think it likely we will see MWO be replaced with an online MW5, could be a migration a new MWO2 or anywhere in between. So would need to balance PvP not just PvE.
seeing the MW5 Websites for News by facebook and Twitter
last news from PGI 4 December 2016
What Russ says all to the mWO Founder ,what for a Hellf**** game MWO in Future ,and what for great Features , the best MW game ever ,and the famous Faction war ,only in teh moment a Cbill grind Arena Shooter with Mechlab ,many Bugs and a terrible UI ,Performance (Bottlebneck Servercalculation) and a mechpack
Yeah ...Russ hear thats UE 4 can make procedual Terrain (a Feature thats in the Moment not good looking for Games ...its good for Landscape editors like Vue ...for Gameengines good in 10-20 Years) and forget ...To find Workers for his Dreams and visions ...Has GI Workers for MW5 ? or all going to better comapnys ? City Maps for MWO for this Team to difficult says Russ, and this team bring MW5????UE4 not very better as Cry 5.1 (his has other features for good , in others Features Cry better)and nothing gameengine can created alone a Game
...Which MW5 from a Company ,thats after Five Years not can script a AI ?! can only mak Routes for targets and simple Turrescript Counterfire like the Academy Mechs
Edited by Old MW4 Ranger, 16 July 2017 - 02:21 AM.