As I see it though, the dismissal of HBS and Jordan Weisman could most likely be due to the fact that BattleTech does not have anything in the game that is being disputed (like no reseen designs that conflict with HG's claims). If the suit revolves around HG's claim to certain artwork, and BattleTech doesn't have that artwork present (or is using it to market the product in an official capacity), then why wouldn't that part of the case be dismissed?
As for PGI, they are using their own Reseen designs (and are doing so actively). That is definitely reason for HG to continue a court case against PGI. The results of this will have to be seen. Either it gets thrown out soon (due to HG not obtaining the proper paperwork proving they have the rights) which is something I doubt will happen, or the case gets delayed about a year as HG tries to obtain such "proof" from the Japanese courts (an action I feel is more designed to delay the court actions and try to force PGI to the bargaining table out of sheer added court/lawyer fees).
In any case, if PGI wins and shows HG does not own the rights to that imagery, then I am thinking that will leave HBS open to adding PGI's reseens sometime later. If HG somehow wins, then PGI will have to make whatever changes are necessary, and HBS won't be able to add those designs going forward.
Either way, this seems to me like HBS is off the hook since they don't have any infringing assets in their product. It's PGI which is now the one having to fight to keep their reseens in their product, and allowing HBS to eventually use them if the case is won by PGI.
Again this is how it is coming across to me as a layman on the matter.
Edited by MeiSooHaityu, 16 April 2018 - 09:18 AM.