Arnold The Governator, on 08 June 2018 - 01:19 PM, said:
Going by that logic then why would they take any unnecessary future legal risks since they released the Incubus? If anything FASA pulled from VMI because it was "out-of-house" source material artwork, then any nuseen PGI made Rifleman IIC, Warhammer IIC, Stone Rhino etc should be safe to use in game then. Does that mean the IS Crusader is out of the question? I wonder how this affects the remaining reseen that are currently in game.
Not a lawyer, etc . . .
The Crusader was licensed by Fasa from Twentieth Century Imports that HG later sued over purportedly having exclusive rights outside Japan (ironic, since they never had the rights to the characters in the first place); and given current legal standings -pre potential settlement or HG losing horribly in court- HG would sue over any PGI reimagining of the classics just because of the mech's name (like they did for the Marauder, Archer, etc.).
On the other hand, those IIC mechs that you mention, as well as the Stone Rino, are more of the Victor Musical Industries mech designs. Theoretically PGI absolutely could make them and add them to the game.
However, it's worth noting that any mechs that share the name of any original unseen chassis would likely draw ire from HG in current legal climates (again, talking pre settlement talks or potential HG trial loss).
Of course, a lot of this will depend on how any settlement unfolds. While I have my reservations, it's worth noting -as stated by others- that any settlement is going to ensure that no one is suing anyone else again over the matter.
My personal hope is that HG sees the corner they've painted themselves into -given all of the evidence against them- and have come crawling to PGI for a settlement so they don't end up suffering for 30 years of bullying people over the Battletech IP. Just imagine all of the people who could come after them . . . Jordan Weisman, CGL, Fasa (currently owned by MICROSOFT and supported by their legal machine), and others. It'd blow up in HG's face like they couldn't believe. When you consider the damages they could come after HG for, the last thing HG would want is 30 years of the bullied coming back to gang up on the recently defanged bully. It makes me wonder if Hasbro was moving towards the same sort of legal conclusion with HG before HG settled with Hasbro over the Jetfire issue.
EDIT: Corrected error on who FASA licensed the original Unseen artwork from.
Edited by Sereglach, 08 June 2018 - 09:35 PM.