CK16, on 09 August 2017 - 05:56 AM, said:
So the debate of the Thanatos....
First know your mech, it is not an omnimech and it is highly unlikely that it will have 360 torso twist.
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So this mech has had me thinking while looking at the feedback over the past week or so. To me it almost feels like the Bushwacker in that it has such mixed and varied predictions. Also it is simular in loadouts that can nor boat single weapon types on most variants (which is fine, we already have energy boat covered plenty for the IS at 75t). Also it ends up being probably the most agile 75t in game with up to 5 jump jets and some varriants able to bring a 400 engine.
So what do you guys feel this one brings different then what we already have in game both in general sense and for the Innersphere?
It's a cavalry mech first and foremost, that means it is a mech that is designed around speed and firepower, not so much around defensive capabilities... something that needs a set of skills not found in your average mech jock in MWO, as it is not something that does well in the hide and poke game-play that seems to be accepted as the way to fight.
We have a few mechs that would fill that role, most notably the Dragon and to a lesser extent the Bushwacker. Like both of those, I think the Thanatos is going to be a mech that responds well in the hands of someone that is adept at using the arm hard points while looking in a different direction, much like the Dragon and Bushwacker do. This means it will likely be marginalized by the majority of the player-base as that is a skill set that is just not actively encouraged by game play at most levels of the game.
The likely hit boxes of the Thanatos are going to lend themselves well to a LFE or Standard engine, so I would expect a LFE in most of them to get the most speed and DHS possible into the frame. Is it going to be meta shifting or groundbreaking? No, not by a long shot. Will it be a nice addition for those that will have the skill set to make use of it? Yes, I suspect it will.