David Sumner, on 21 March 2020 - 09:11 PM, said:
So, a casual player could be stuck in Tier 5 for oh, a year.
I'm sure that would motivate them to stick around.
& here lies the biggest problem. I'n the wold we live in it is now 'not acceptable' that a person be told in any way shape or form that they are not good at something.
This has created an environment where bad behaviors are plain ignored or(worse) promoted, such as we have here with the PSR system.
now if people could just accept that they really are kinda crap at something it would not only give them reason to listen to the actual better players & learn but we would not be stuck with things like PSR which only exaggerates the problem by telling people they are a top class player.
Of course, it could be argued that when they realise they ain't going any further than tier 3 they will quit playing etc but this is not what we are seeing, not here, not in anything. What we do see is MWO in a mess & SJW's etc running around, crying 'unfair' & being allowed to change laws etc as the 'world' is too worried they will be offended to turn around & say, ' erm? no! That is stupid'.
It's a perfect reflection of the real world, folks too scared to put these not so good players in the tiers they belong.
A simple re-set of the PSR ratings once a quarter would work wonders here & the tiers would quickly settle as the good would progress just as fast & the bad just as slow.