Appogee, on 20 August 2017 - 01:19 PM, said:
Matchmaking. The inexperienced shouldn't be facing off against the experienced, and especially not large groups of the experienced. (And before anyone says 'low population', the main reason there is low population is because of the imbalanced matches, caused by the lack of matchmaker.)
Make it worthwhile. Revise incentives and rewards, both for playing, and for taking planets. People need reasons to play FP beyond QP.
Fix the maps, especially the Siege Maps. I don't think I need to say further on the problems the 'attack lane' designs of some of these cause.
Introduce Logistics. FP should be an Eve Online-like experience. In fact, I think we'd pick up a lot of serious long-term players if it was.
These would be my top focus areas. But there are lots of tweaks, which include ways to get people to stop camping in their drop zones, removing some of the more obvious lop-sided maps/mode combinations.
Make it worth while...
Hangers, drop ships, and missions you don’t care for but imo that is why FP is not worth it because it lacks these things.
C-bills mean nothing to me.
At least with some text flavored missions with unique objectives FPS could get some depth.
Ex. Mission text says you found out the opposition has come into possession of 12 clan or is engines. Your mission is to take over the base your bonus reward is the engines. (once a month type mission because engines are a lot of c-bills) the mission text would come across as you fly in and drop.
It’s still c-bills but at least now it’s interesting.
Again I have not had incentive to play mwo for a really long time.
Mm won’t fix nothing. Stomps still happen. Some people will never be good. Some play bad on purpose for lore builds. I have never had a negative w/l in the game. I only play in group queue with my friend.
Edited by Imperius, 20 August 2017 - 01:38 PM.