Charles Sennet, on 26 November 2017 - 11:10 AM, said:
Exactly. This is why I have been saying that at long ranges the ability to fire 3 LL without ghost heat vs Clans 2, is a major imbalance between good teams and why we have banned cERLL altogether in our unit drops. Clans simply have no comparable answer to the BLR-1G. Someone was arguing the SNV but you can still only fire 2/2/2 and have to expose a lot more to fire the arm mounted lasers. Not many people understand that clan range advantage is a bit of a myth in actual team fights.
That was me arguing it. Allow me to lay it out for you:
The max sustainable DPS of a 5x cERLL Supernova with 31 DHS, firing 3+2 and accounting for the ghost heat, is 4.95. With 30 DHS, it's 4.82 DPS.
The max sustainable DPS of a 5x isERLL Battlemaster with 20 DHS, firing 3+2 and avoiding ghost heat, is 3.94.
Moral of the story? You have so many DHS that you can eat that ghost heat and still push out more damage. It's 3 points less damage than 4x isERLL for only 7.2 points more heat at 8 tons and 5 slots less. A generous trade considering the infrastructure you can support it with. You have so much extra output, in fact, that you can drop a few DHS to get in a larger TC to put up to 30 meters between you and that Battlemaster (which already pushes it with a TC II: range on isERLL BLR-1G with a TC II is 870.75 m; cERLL with a TC I is 880.6 m, cERLL with a TC VI is 899.1 m).
Basically, if you are firing 2+2+2, you are doing it so very, very wrong because there is no practical reason to do so.
If you bump the cERLL ghost heat limit to 3, then the max sustainable DPS with 31 DHS goes up to 5.67, and with 30 it's 5.5.
That is
beyond broken.
Even the duration argument is a red herring. The nominal rate of output of firing 3+2 for Clans is 32.06 DPS, IS is 31.13. Slight edge to Clans on the average. It's deceiving, though. If you break it out into actual damage output, the Clan 'Mech will spit out 49.9 points of damage in the same 1.435 seconds it takes the IS to get out all 45. You will always win on an open trade.
The literal only thing the Battlemaster has going for it is hardpoints and, regarding those it's like I said on Reddit: if you are one somewhat loose group fighting another, you will lose because the BLR can poke better. If you are a tight group fighting a loose group, you will win because you will all go full-expose and collectively boop the Battlemasters as they pop up, something your superior damage and sustained output allows you to do. If both teams are tight, you will still likely win if the IS go full ERLL trade unless their pilots are just better.
Hardpoint placement is literally the only thing in the Battlemaster's favor, and that's not enough. There is a reason
every single comp team in the MWOWC finals and semi-finals, including the OP's (JGx) swapped over to Supernovas for their ERLL boat, and it's all of the above.
Edited by Yeonne Greene, 07 December 2017 - 08:53 PM.