The6thMessenger, on 08 September 2017 - 12:57 AM, said:
Currently, our solo kill as a metric does not really accurately measure the efficiency of the kill. An LRM boat could very well pepper an enemy, damage spread around, and kill it gaining solo kill, but so does an accurate shot on the CT with less damage -- much more efficient kill.
An enemy peppered with LRMs and lived, only to be killed by an efficient player could. But a solo kill won't be achieved if enemy damage is padded by the LRM user.
Comes the "Efficient Kill", this also uses the metric of time in addition of damage. The faster you disposed of an enemy, the more efficient you are. A damage spread around the mech would take more time than other wise coring or head-shotting it out, or XL check.
If you are a player with good aim, you should hit right? That means you should minimize your Time to Kill. Missed shots, or spread damage increase time to kill, so high amount of time-to-kill should mean it's less efficient.
It goes like this:
Most Efficient Damage = Percentage of your total damage dealt to the enemy, in relation to the CT armor and structure, or HD armor and structure for a head-shot, or ST If equipped with an IS XL, with respect to the direction of fire -- such as if rear CT kill then it would be Rear CT armor + Structure.
Least Time to Kill = Cumulative amount of time engaged with the enemy battlemech / total amount of time the engaged battlemech is alive. Each enemy player gets their own. Less is better.
Efficient Kill = Least Time to Kill + Most Efficient Damage
- Excessive alphas can throw the metric off. As perhaps one-shotting a locust with so much SRMs to oblivion would prevent Most-Efficient-Damage, despite just a single alpha. If you have a way around this, it would be nice to hear.
What do you think?
You have got to be kidding me.. Efficient kill? Really?!
So basically, what you're suggesting is that It's not enough for you to get the kill.. not enough to get the KMDD.. becouse LRM users can get those too.. so to feel your e-peen engorged, you want your gauss-padded laservomit inducing glory kill to be valued more?
I.. just... I can't even...
In my opinion, we have all the kill glory we need:
- Killing blow (as in ,yaay for you, you took the target down)
- Kill most damage dealt / KMDD (as in, I pumped that mech so full of lead, did most of the work, I should get some reckognition)
- Solo kill - You took the target down while noone else was shooting at it.. good job for no teamwork (should be rewarded to taking the target down alone, without anyone else damaging it)
So your efficient kill is literally just an e-peen showoff..
Plus, with the variety of builds, I don't think there's any possible way to track if taking down the target was the most efficient way of doing so.. and even if there were, it would only promote the insta-kill GaussPPc cheeze meta.. People would strive for one-shot kills... and guess what.. MWO is NOT COD.
So.. just...
Also.. This:
El Bandito, on 08 September 2017 - 01:23 AM, said:
Why do you hate LRM players?
![Posted Image](
Their job is literally to sandblast the enemy, and occasionally get a kill. DF players already get far more kills than LRM boats, due tot he nature of their weapon system. Let lurmers have their KMDD.
I find the very term "efficient kill" offensive, since in implies some kills are better than others while actually stating that killing with direct fire weapons is more worthy than killing with LRMs.. A kill is a kill.
So let me quote Dominic Toretto here, I think it applies:
"It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning's winning."
Edited by Vellron2005, 08 September 2017 - 05:32 AM.