AJBennett, on 24 September 2017 - 04:53 PM, said:

Standard P.G.I practice.
Create a feature none requested.
Not implement it propert ( test thoroughly )
Look into it and a month later.
Blame your I.S.P
Russian hackers trying to get your social security number
The North Koreans.
Anything but themselves for creating something that is buggy and has less functionality than the thing it replaces.
The event window works for me, I have a big monitor and don't have to use the half window like others do.
However if this was on the website I could using the three events as an example
Have a page open for all three, alt tab and refresh each page, to update. go back into game.
now i have to click, click, back space, click, back space, click, close event page.
So I have two extra clicks to read something very small and poorly set out, rather than something big and easy to read.
As usual its just poor quality work.