Curccu, on 04 October 2017 - 01:52 AM, said:

Which is daft considering your average person can walk about that speed and the Elementals are 3 meter tall genetically engineered super soldiers wearing power armour,
Some git really didn't think that through.
They also seemed to have had trouble adding as the weight doesn't reflect the loadout at all.
Yet they carry a small laser (.5) an SRM 2 (.5) and have nearly a ton of armour.... and jump jets... and the claw.... and life support etc...
They should be closer to 4 tons each.
They could be viable for MWO without making them ridiculous and still tying in with some of the lore aspects.
I think stepping into some new ground development wise, and it's not a huge step with Elementals, would do more for the game in terms of variety and potentially shake up the combat more than any other mech will.
At this point for me with MWO, I would pay to be able to drop as an Elemental into battle. I don't think I will be buying any more mechs.
I've been keeping a thread alive in the feature suggestions from a couple of years ago but feel I should go and make my own one about getting Elementals added.
Edited by 50 50, 04 October 2017 - 06:03 PM.