Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2017 - 09:39 PM, said:
If wanting a deeper game is "comp greed" then sure, I'll take it.
Then enjoy the shallowness of your gameplay because you refuse to make a weapon useful beyond lower tiers.
Depth of gameplay can also achieved other than removing indirect fire. Your proposal isn't the only option, and the disagreement of it doesn't mean that we just enjoy it being shallow or bad.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2017 - 09:39 PM, said:
How? By allowing LRMs to be useful outside of the lower ends? Don't get me wrong, I want an artillery weapon in this game (Arrow IV do want), but I want it to have a higher skill curve such that it isn't spammed in the low end and I also want a usable long range missile weapon so that missile mechs aren't relegated to just splat mechs when it comes to higher end play.
Other weapons are also spammed, don't be silly. Of course spammed ineffectively, yes i don't want that either. BUT it can be achieved by other means, that doesn't include reducing the amount of other strategies that could be employed. i.e. a competent LRM battery.
You can also still use the LRMs not by Indirect fire or buddy lock right now at comp. And while i get that you want to lose the indirect fire for it to be open to buffs, the thing is that it could still work with indirect fire.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2017 - 09:39 PM, said:
So where exactly is this lessening of options at? Low end? Doubt it, because it is the low end of play, you can get away with A LOT in low tiers, it just won't be as powerful against bad players.
So it's not lessening the options, because you can get away with a lot of things in lower tiers? What kind of reasoning is that? It's non-sequitur that's what. You removed an option you could do in the battlefield, how is being an environment a lot more forgiving relate to that? 100 - 1 = 99. Are you really saying that 100 = 99?
Maybe you're saying that, there's still a lot of other options that would work. Losing a few isn't the end of the world. Sure okay. But the thing is that, I, and a few others don't want to.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2017 - 09:39 PM, said:
Maybe because you trying to espouse LRM/Scout strats as a shining example of how teamwork should work irks my nerves.
I really don't care about your nerves. But it's not that it's a shining example, it's just that it's an option to do so, which people can or cannot perform it well. On the idea that many people just couldn't do it right, you want to prevent the people who could do so well.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2017 - 09:39 PM, said:
You don't need mechanics that are dependent on each other to make mechs dependent their team. Teamwork is required to actually get good at this game.
But it's not like they couldn't coordinate team-work using indirect locks. It's not that we need certain mechanics, but it would be nice to have one -- and it's part of the BT game which people expect MWO to have.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2017 - 09:39 PM, said:
You think PUG super-group would actually be able to play at the same level as most comp teams? Lolno, because that cohesion won't be there and that cohesion is what can make teams (in fact it used to be SJR's sort of claim to fame a long time ago).
And i never said that. BUT MWO is a team-game, and team-play would still be a significant factor in matches, should it actually happen.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2017 - 09:39 PM, said:
It needs much more thought because it doesn't really fix fundamental problems with them, it just makes them less spammable for a bit better velocity.
Only if you think Indirect fire support is a problem, which many of us don't really. Less spammable, better velocity, does not need retained lock which is a big plus because you don't need to stare, you forced to be more thoughtful of your volleys which would require a bit more skill than before, and would work less better a primary weapon.
I'm not gonna say that it's going to be a complete deterrent to potato and bad play, but it would have better correlation with effectiveness to skill of use.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2017 - 09:39 PM, said:
Counter-play works at both ends, in the lower levels, cover is not really a good counter because most players haven't learned how useful cover can be, that's kinda something you learn (sometimes, not all players learn this). Expecting new players to magically know how useful cover is in this game is how you end up with LRM OP threads, it just isn't a concept that is grasped by most players for some reason.
That's still far from covers and AMS being magically inadequate just because potatoes aren't using them correctly, or not using them at all. We don't expect them to magically know, we expect them to learn, as with anything with life.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 October 2017 - 09:39 PM, said:
In high ends of play where cover is an understood concept, it is too strong against LRMs and therein lies the problem, you have a weapon that is way to situational and exploitative of new players not having knowledge of how the game is played. To me that sounds like a bad weapon system and you enjoy having a weapon that exploits new players under the pretense you are being "strategical".
If the cover is the problem, how would making LRM users get their own locks make Covers less of a Problem? It's not like if they have a sight of you and sent lrms on your way, you couldn't just move back to cover, and the cover would still be as good in blocking LRMs as they are before.
If anything, it makes cover even more powerful because we can't send LRMs over cover that's not adequate enough to block the LRMs coming from above, thus defeating low cover. If you have LOS of them, then the Cover isn't working so what's the point of LRMs going above said cover then?
You think it evens out because both parties are exposed? The immense range is still going to be a problem with parasitism, especially if the target doesn't have long-range weapons. And while you increase the vulnerability of LRM user for making them get LOS, the terribads would still be vulnerable and would still have a lot of LRMs on their way anyways.
Sure okay, increase of risk to the side of the LRM would make it open for more buffs. But guess what, the terribads will still be terribads, they would still be killed because they can't use cover correctly. We can only do so much to cover for their inadequacy. What's next, are you going to want to remove the LRM homing system too cause terribads are ******? Because homing missiles are a crutch to effective aiming?
You say that you want it to be better, but really it will just make things worse. The efficacy of this proposal is shoddy.
No, it's not that it's "strategical", but it has certain advantages that could be used for certain strategies that allows a (slightly) better diversity of approach.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 10 October 2017 - 03:14 AM.