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Battle Of Luthien Results

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#141 Der Kopfsammler


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 10:41 AM

So... Clans didnt win this time, dispist owning IS most time?... What kind of dark sorcery is this? Posted Image

How the f... do i claim my reward btw? I dont see it anywhere...

Edited by Der Kopfsammler, 18 October 2017 - 11:40 AM.

#142 Sneaky Ohgoorchik


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 11:49 AM

[color=#B27204]Der Kopfsammler[/color]

Watch for event list at the bottom at the screen at hangar bay (looks like "sum" sign in math). There you can find an event and claim a prize.

#143 Commander A9


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 02:16 PM

The problem is PGI is trying to say Clans won and lost at the same time.

The other problem is Clans can't attack a second time, which means IS 'won' by default since they retain occupation of the planet.

If this happens two more times, Clans lose Season 1 by 'stalemate.'

PGI can't say Inner Sphere 'won' because by doing so, it would be admitting that the victory conditions were grossly stacked against Clans, not 'fair and balanced' like how everyone is demanding Faction Warfare to be.

PGI finally found the way to beat the Clans = end the competition when the best Clan units are offline.

For next time, just have a running count of how many victories both sides accrue, then decide the winner by who gets the most. No tug-of-war ******** - that way, all hours contribute equally to a competition, so that we don't have 4 days of one side achieving a clear victory, only to be underminded at the final hour by the opposition winning 11 times.

Edited by Commander A9, 18 October 2017 - 02:33 PM.

#144 TLBFestus


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 02:36 PM

Pretty sure that PGI wanted the IS to win so they could say that it's all balanced.

However, no one had the balz to rig it or outright claim that happened so they decided they could get away with a "tie" (because...balance!).

Edited by TLBFestus, 18 October 2017 - 02:36 PM.

#145 Commander A9


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 02:50 PM

I agree. They finally found the way. :/

#146 Racerxintegra2k


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 04:05 PM

This cant end in a tie. Straw that broke camels back time right here.

#147 BMKA


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 04:26 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 17 October 2017 - 01:02 PM, said:

Both Inner Sphere and Clan Aligned faction Players can Claim the Defeat Rewards for their efforts in the Battle For Luthien.

hahahhaa...wait, what?

I think PGI is pessimistic. It was a tie yet we get the defeat rewards.

How about being optimistic :D? wont hurt anyone and mechwarriors could claim the victory rewards.

Just a thought.

Edited by BMKA, 18 October 2017 - 04:33 PM.

#148 Napoleon_Blownapart


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 04:56 PM

View PostRolandDT, on 18 October 2017 - 09:47 AM, said:

and probably would prefer the C-Bills to a Mech I already have (and never play)

put 4 shotguns on that sucker and break it out , its my most fun mech.

I only scouted the event and never expcted the mech , ended up buying a bushwacker for scouting seems pretty fun so far.

I was left with the feeling Clans got screwed when i last saw the invasion tug bar ,shrug.

Edited by Gorantir, 19 October 2017 - 08:17 AM.

#149 HumorlessSociety


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 06:20 PM

Every once in a while in the Battletech universe some free birth filth does something unspeakable, and the Clans step up. An orbital bombardment to PGI is deserved for this one.

#150 NUMBERZero1032


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 06:36 PM

By Trial of Refusal, us Inner Spheres won this engagement. We deserve the Maulers, but since we didn't get them... I challenge Russ to a Trial of Possession for all Inner Sphere!

#151 Icantswim


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 06:52 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 17 October 2017 - 01:02 PM, said:

[color=#00FFFF]It is only thanks to a final push, [/color]

Rules were clearly flawed and that "final push" sounds like an exploit to me.

#152 TwoSidedAngel


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 07:31 PM

Hold on a moment here. Presuming fair play, you have a close fight between the IS and the clans and rather than reward that you decide to punish them both? What's the message here? Everyone should play on one side so at least we get the rewards? Should you not be rewarding them both to encourage more even fights in the future?

#153 arcana75


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 07:55 PM

Would like to know if anyone managed to complete both Clan and IS Conflict Reward challenges, and were able to switch back to the previous side and as a result claim both sides' Loss rewards, and thus earn 4+4m cbills and 1+1 mech bays?

#154 Marius Evander


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 07:56 PM

Dunno whether to laugh, cry or just f this and bail.

View Postarcana75, on 18 October 2017 - 07:55 PM, said:

Would like to know if anyone managed to complete both Clan and IS Conflict Reward challenges, and were able to switch back to the previous side and as a result claim both sides' Loss rewards, and thus earn 4+4m cbills and 1+1 mech bays?

I did it once for each side on 2 accounts does that count ?

#155 arcana75


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 08:08 PM

View PostCadoazreal, on 18 October 2017 - 07:56 PM, said:

I did it once for each side on 2 accounts does that count ?

I wanted to know if 1 merc account that was on Clan side, did the 12/12 FP games, then switched to IS side within the Event's window, then did 12/12 FP games for IS, at the end of the Event, you would claim the Loss rewards for IS. Then when the contract expires you switch back to Clans, would the Conflict Event now show the Clan's Spoils of War allowing a 2nd redemption?

I would have been able to answer my own question, but I only managed 10/12 on Clan before my Unit switched over. But when the contract expires in 3 days, I will know anyway cuz I would then see if the Spoils Of War entry would switch back to Clan or stay locked as IS.

#156 Arkhangel


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 09:32 PM

View PostCommander A9, on 18 October 2017 - 02:16 PM, said:

The problem is PGI is trying to say Clans won and lost at the same time.

The other problem is Clans can't attack a second time, which means IS 'won' by default since they retain occupation of the planet.

If this happens two more times, Clans lose Season 1 by 'stalemate.'

PGI can't say Inner Sphere 'won' because by doing so, it would be admitting that the victory conditions were grossly stacked against Clans, not 'fair and balanced' like how everyone is demanding Faction Warfare to be.

PGI finally found the way to beat the Clans = end the competition when the best Clan units are offline.

For next time, just have a running count of how many victories both sides accrue, then decide the winner by who gets the most. No tug-of-war ******** - that way, all hours contribute equally to a competition, so that we don't have 4 days of one side achieving a clear victory, only to be underminded at the final hour by the opposition winning 11 times.

actually, if IS had full-out won? you woulda lost all the planets AROUND Luthien as well. it's specifically stated. the fact it's a standoff means you guys still hold the territory around it, but per your own cultural rules, you're not allowed to attack Luthien again either. so it's really a mexican standoff now.

#157 Arkhangel


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 09:36 PM

View PostHumorlessSociety, on 18 October 2017 - 06:20 PM, said:

Every once in a while in the Battletech universe some free birth filth does something unspeakable, and the Clans step up. An orbital bombardment to PGI is deserved for this one.

now you know how the IS felt every Tukayyid. because you clanners pulled the same **** all three times, because it ended in Clanner primetime. but yet it's "cheating!" if an event doesn't end your primetime and you actually got beaten back to a TIE?

no offense, Jade Chicken, but grow a pair.

Fact is, IS won, but only with a final desperate push that basically got millions of Draconis Combine civvies caught in the crossfire. it actually makes sense we don't get maulers given Luthien's mech foundries were likely utterly trashed in the street-to-street fighting, and any remaining Maulers woulda been reassigned to rebuilding mech units that got wiped out in their entirety. We mighta won, but it's definitely not the way you want to win a war.

besides, you guys still have four more chances to win the Season. way things are currently, there's no way in hell IS is ever going to even get within 20 systems of a clan homeworld. honestly the best we're gonna be capable of is just holding you off. unless we actually manage to outright win an defense of our capitals, we're not going to be reclaiming any territory either (should be noted it's directly said that if IS had won Luthien and it hadn't been a pyrrhic victory, we woulda actually reclaimed all the surrounding planets, rather than being left with the standoff cordon we have).

Edited by Arkhangel, 18 October 2017 - 09:49 PM.

#158 a frying pan to the CT


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 11:34 PM

Nice job with the story-like telling of the results, it makes it more fun. Now if only my event browser would load and I could claim some rewards.

#159 Arkhangel


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Posted 19 October 2017 - 01:00 AM

yep. mean, even makes sense no Maulers. the Factories got trashed in the fighting

#160 Chound


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Posted 19 October 2017 - 01:35 AM

View PostMarquis De Lafayette, on 17 October 2017 - 06:04 PM, said:


-Clans wait a long time to finally attack a planet they encircled a long, long time ago...the long delay had provoked salt from many Clan pilots

-the event is days long and invasion is totally dominated by the Clans...provoking much salt on the part many of IS pilots

-the result of the event is nearly totally determined by whoever played in the last 8 hours of the event. Provoking much salt on the part of many Clan pilots who played for days, massacred the IS in other time zones, but whose wins didn't count as the capture bar was maxed in their timezone.

-Clans still had a massive win advantage, but as they did not have it high enough (and did not win), they are not allowed to re-attack this planet to secure a season win condition...they will have to wait for the next event and move on to another planet.....yep...provoking more salt from Clan pilots

-PGI declares this a tie...everyone gets the losers prize....provoking salt from IS pilots, who held the capital planet...but that's not considered "winning" anymore.

Seems like PGI had something to grief everyone with in this event....

one thing everyone seems to forget is that there is also an IS capture point on the other side. If the last minute push caused the bar to push it out of the clan capture area but not enough to get it into the IS capture area then technically the IS didn't capture the planet either so neither side captured the planet. PGI should start giving us battles for operation bulldog since we are in the civil war era now not invasion. Either that or rehab their system for clan and IS matches events that occured in the civil war era. this is a timed event like domination so you have to be in control when time expires.

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