Trick Or Treat Iii Loot Bag Event
Posted 26 October 2017 - 10:38 AM
Posted 26 October 2017 - 10:41 AM
Posted 26 October 2017 - 10:41 AM
Posted 26 October 2017 - 10:45 AM
LordFatman, on 26 October 2017 - 10:34 AM, said:
Mechrophilia, on 26 October 2017 - 10:34 AM, said:
I do not know what time zones you folks are in, but in the US it's only 2:45 PM on the East Coast (11:45 AM for the West Coast) - long before most people come home from work. I expect the population will be better in about 4+ hours, and especially through the weekend, when most people have more free time on their hands. We have 11 days to complete the challenges. Let's see how the next few days turn out for matches. If PGI deems it necessary to make adjustments I am sure they will follow through, but for now I think it's too early to tell.
Good luck, and happy earning!
Posted 26 October 2017 - 10:45 AM
process, on 26 October 2017 - 10:41 AM, said:
Posted 26 October 2017 - 10:49 AM
M E X, on 26 October 2017 - 07:36 AM, said:
Did you read the "Trick Or Treat III Event Page"??? If not, it says...
Trick Or Treat III Event Page said:

Holy Jackson, on 26 October 2017 - 08:34 AM, said:
AGREED. Also, with preference for being colorable.

process, on 26 October 2017 - 10:41 AM, said:
Go to the "Trick Or Treat III Event Page" in order to do that.

~D. V. "So many small things..." Devnull
Posted 26 October 2017 - 10:54 AM
Matt Newman, on 26 October 2017 - 09:41 AM, said:
So there is the possibility of getting Clan vs IS until 2 pm this afternoon when the battle window changes and the Main Faction Play conflict will be turned off.
I like this Idea! I will see if we can make that change for Stocking Stuffer 2017!
If the stocking stuffer is also going to be a faction vs faction like this one (IS vs IS or Clan vs Clan) then I would suggest, you look at the contract bonuses being offered BEFORE matching the factions, because players who ONLY play the mode for the events are usually merc players with their own 1-person units (as my accounts are) and are thus also likely to only take contracts with the best bonuses (so CDS, CNC and CSV for the clans and Liao & Marik for IS currently). Since there has never been a forced unit eviction to reset player population #s for respecitve factions, the #s aren't currently valid and thus wolf, falcon, davion, etc... aren't actually as over populated as you think they are.
For prime euro time (its nearly 3pm EST, so 8-9pm in western europe) it took 15 mins to even find enough wolf & diamond shark players to get a scouting match. If it had been sharks vs nova cats, I'm sure we'd have had a match in 2 minutes.
Posted 26 October 2017 - 10:54 AM

Yeah, I forgot to redeem my code and lost the email. Got a replacement, thanks PGI!
Edited by process, 26 October 2017 - 11:22 AM.
Posted 26 October 2017 - 10:55 AM
process, on 26 October 2017 - 10:41 AM, said:
All LOOT bags can only be redeemed on the website.
The faction specific goals and rewards can be claimed via the in-game events UI.
Posted 26 October 2017 - 11:14 AM
so i started with 50, so i only need another 100

Edited by Flanking Boy, 26 October 2017 - 01:07 PM.
Posted 26 October 2017 - 11:23 AM
Third scouting match search begun at 3:08pm EST... 4 sharks assembled in 1 minute. Four wolves found about 100 seconds later. Match beginning at 3:12pm EST. We won as a stomp, 4 to 0. Game over at 3:18pm EST.
Also encountered my first ******** who is trolling for loot bags and not actually playing the mode for the overall goal. We had intel gathering and he just wants to shoot, get his match score and move onto the next match. No concern about swinging the intel bar for those souls actually trying to play invasion matches. I may NOT ever do FW outside of events, but when I do, I don't troll just for event prizes. If I'm in an intel gather match...i am going to gather intel. If I'm in an invasion conquest...i'm going to try and get some capping done. If I'm stuck with an invasion domination and I happened to start with a fast mech, I will race to the pee stain even though I despise domination matches.
Edit... yes I know my web profile says "merc liao"... i'm starting the event with my main alt account. When I've had enough matches on it today I'll switch to this one where I guess I will be fighting marik players. I took the shark account on the alt because I want THAT particular warhorn.
Edited by Dee Eight, 26 October 2017 - 11:30 AM.
Posted 26 October 2017 - 11:36 AM
so sure gather you 10+ intels, but plan on doing it with a fight. otherwise you're actually being the troll by making people waste a match when they're trying to hit a match score too.
ALSO PLEASE: collapse this down to team steiner vs team davion, and team warden vs team crusader.
That's 2 buckets instead of 8. or make ghost drops count for 100 match score.
Posted 26 October 2017 - 11:41 AM
Johnathan Tanner, on 25 October 2017 - 08:51 PM, said:
Compared to the same type of monotonous bullcrap we've been having for months with FP, I'd take this event anytime, lore or no lore. It's a whole lot better than treating this game as another CoD or Counterstrike skin. A little variety wouldn't kill you.
Posted 26 October 2017 - 11:57 AM
Posted 26 October 2017 - 12:00 PM
Edited by Dee Eight, 26 October 2017 - 12:08 PM.
Posted 26 October 2017 - 12:03 PM
Iron Lemur, on 26 October 2017 - 11:59 AM, said:
They count for the FW mode if you hit the match score requirement, but not for faction specific bonus prizes. That's a key thing about this event compared to the last one (which was loyalists only).
This is the first time we have run IS vs IS, and Clan VS Clan Conflicts and as such have kept the criteria extremely simple.
These conflicts will give Loyalists and Mercenaries with contracts opportunities to earn faction cockpit items while earning Trick or Treat Loot Bags.
Posted 26 October 2017 - 12:05 PM
Posted 26 October 2017 - 12:21 PM

Posted 26 October 2017 - 12:48 PM

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