davoodoo, on 03 November 2017 - 10:03 AM, said:
So? currently medium laser got longer range than hgauss despite hgauss having twice short range in tt.
Also snub got higher short range than large laser, not in mwo though.
i said it already in that thread 450 optimal 675 max for snub, 600optimal 900m max for hgauss, both have way steeper damage dropoff past optimal range.
You clearly won't understand, or are willfully ignoring me, in a vain attempt to 'win' an argument. Let me inform you of how flawed your logic is.
On tabletop, a Large Laser does not lose damage until you start going past its long range. SN-PPCs and HGausses start losing damage outside of short range.
A Large Laser's damage profile was always 8short/8medium/8long.
A Snub Nose PPC's damage profile was always 10short/8medium/5long.
A Heavy Gauss Rifle's damage profile was always 25short/20medium/10long.
Now, the reason why PGI went with the tabletop stats of short range, as opposed to the max range of the latter two weapons, is because they already have a damage drop inherent in the stats. That is the drawback of these weapon systems on tabletop.
If you gave them damage drop *Within the optimal range*, that would cease to be the actual optimal range. Tacking on a new Optimal Range measurement does not solve the problem.
And alternative way of looking at this, is that the Tabletop stats already had an 'Optimal range' measurement, that coincided with the short range of these weapons. That is why they receive a damage dropoff after short range.
Edited by Catten Hart, 03 November 2017 - 02:22 PM.