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Kills For Bills! Qp And Fp Events!

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#101 TheFourthAlly


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Posted 13 November 2017 - 07:15 PM

I got the spacegold for QP after squeezing in the last two Solo's I needed. Not too proud of the last dozen or so games in which I just rolled in with RAC5s and ML or blatant laser vomit to facehug the first slightly islolated red assault I could get a hold off, to quickly die to incoming fire myself, either with or without at best a kill or kmdd anyway.

Rinse and repeat a few times until enough Solo Kills had fallen out.

PGI opted to not have my Friday night included in this event (check those time zones people, please) and I have other plans for my Tuesday night, so I was a bit short on time. So I opted for rather less than team-friendly play last night.

I think I may have to chalk this one up as a learning experience to not try and bother next time, but I have premum time running as well. So I wanted to spend some time playing MWO and might as well try for the challenge set before me, right?

Choices were made, not sure they were the greatest on either side. Better luck next time.

Edited by TheFourthAlly, 13 November 2017 - 07:16 PM.

#102 Kojak Bear


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Posted 13 November 2017 - 09:55 PM

Finished the QP events just fine. Thank you, PGI for the free stuff. That being said, might I suggest more team-oriented goals next time, or goals that do not grossly favor the mechs that can mount more firepower. Also reward the lights and mediums, whose roles are not always to do massive amounts of damage or get 6 solo kills in a match.

1. Kill Assists (included in this event, I know, but make it a staple)
2. Scouting
3. Flanking
4. Hit-and-run
5. Spotting Assist
6. Savior Kills (this one is pretty under-appreciated, I think.)
7. Capture Points/Radar Flip/Retrieve Batteries/Domination Circle
8. Defensive Kill
9. Destroy Enemy Missiles (This one should get a hefty event reward, like destroy 100,000 missiles for 1000 MC. ^_^)

While there have been events that emphasized these goals, I feel they need to be more frequently included in future events to highlight the team-play aspect. Some of the Easter goals, like the overheat challenge were also fun. Maybe those can be staples for future events, as well (the "secret challenge" was also a nice touch that I think has good potential in the future).

#103 James Argent


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Posted 13 November 2017 - 10:04 PM

While I generally like the teamwork-enhancing challenges, the ones for this event had to be centered on kills because of the whole 'Kill Bill' theme. To continue the theme, I wish there had been a grand prize for finishing all the challenges...maybe unlock colors...yellow for QP and black for FW.

#104 TheFourthAlly


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Posted 13 November 2017 - 10:15 PM

Or perhaps stagger rewards for the more challenging parts, with some free stuff at 2,5 and 10 Solo Kills. Less of an all or nothing feel to it then.

I barely saw any lights at all last night. Saw a Timby make it to a Dom circle as the very first mech there at some point. lol

#105 ZortPointNarf


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 01:29 AM

Unrelated to the event, I would really love to see some rewards for assaults (any mech) soaking up damage, it would definitely stop this nonsense of assaults being too scared to get their paint chipped.
And for Nascar, WTAF people, WTAF

#106 D V Devnull


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 01:45 AM

I've managed to get lucky in the last little while, and complete the QP Challenges. Rather glad to have the (MC) now. Still trying for the other half. :o

However, in the future, "Savior Kills" would be a far better way to go than these bloody selfish "Solo Kills", as they're equally hard to earn. But at least those would promote Team Play, as opposed to this selfish madness that's seen in too many games which we're all having to suffer through. -_-

Frankly, for now, my last rating of 2.5/10 also seems inappropriate... The damage this has done to MWO's Community is just too much. Worse, as I noted before, this Event needs to run for at least 2 more days. I'm sorry, but this Event is down to...


...but could easily recover with a Time Extension. Question is, will PGI take the hint and try to run an Event across the other side of a Patch? <_<

~Mr. D. V. "A little better settled down, but still seeing the flaws..." Devnull

#107 General Solo


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 03:27 AM

Thx for the free stuff pgi

#108 Hawk819


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 03:35 AM

View PostD V Devnull, on 14 November 2017 - 01:45 AM, said:

I've managed to get lucky in the last little while, and complete the QP Challenges. Rather glad to have the (MC) now. Still trying for the other half. Posted Image

However, in the future, "Savior Kills" would be a far better way to go than these bloody selfish "Solo Kills", as they're equally hard to earn. But at least those would promote Team Play, as opposed to this selfish madness that's seen in too many games which we're all having to suffer through. Posted Image

Frankly, for now, my last rating of 2.5/10 also seems inappropriate... The damage this has done to MWO's Community is just too much. Worse, as I noted before, this Event needs to run for at least 2 more days. I'm sorry, but this Event is down to...


...but could easily recover with a Time Extension. Question is, will PGI take the hint and try to run an Event across the other side of a Patch? Posted Image

~Mr. D. V. "A little better settled down, but still seeing the flaws..." Devnull

I so agree. I mean, every time I get some kind of assist, I get a Savior Kills.

#109 Racerxintegra2k


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 04:06 AM

Another 24 hours would really help to wrap it up.

#110 Buenaventura


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 05:01 AM

QP part completed, FP only the assists thanks to some drops with Marik. Would be really nice if you could list yourself in lfg as looking for a FP group.

The solo kills I did mainly with medium mechs, I'll probably have to buy some light clan mechs sometime to be able to queue as a light in events like this. Well, maybe the UM-R68 will help, with my current light mechs solo kills are rather hard. Posted Image

#111 Apollo777


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 06:20 AM

I done it just 4 hours to the end of event.

QP) 151/40 assist 23/20 kills 10/10 solo kills
FP) 152/40 assist 28/20 kills 10/10 solo kills

But i'll never do this kind of challenges any more in the future.
Solo kills should not to be a goal for an event in a team play based game.
And i don't understand why Matt said KMDD is bugged! Solo kill=kmdd+killing blow

#112 latinisator


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 06:27 AM

View PostApollo777, on 14 November 2017 - 06:20 AM, said:

And i don't understand why Matt said KMDD is bugged! Solo kill=kmdd+killing blow

Must have been a lie to save the solo kill thing (Kill Bill, after all) since you have put the requirements for a KMDD there. I'm half way through (haven't had enough time/will to invest my time) and won't complete this challenge.

#113 Heavy Metal Machine


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 06:35 AM

I play lights and fast mediums in flanking/support/squirrel roles.
Quit this challenge on 186 assists, 19 kills, 2 solo kill.

Edited by Heavy Metal Machine, 14 November 2017 - 06:36 AM.

#114 Arnfinn


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 07:09 AM

Easy challenges that encouraged aggressive gameplay and good rewards. All in all, excellent event.

#115 James Argent


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 09:16 AM

Good grief, people...do none of you conspiracy nutters remember all the complaints about KMDDs not counting in the previous event?

It. Is. Bugged.

It doesn't matter that solo kills require KMDDs...solo kills are reported on your screen during the match and on the scoreboard and can be tracked separately from their components. The event tracking for KMDDs by themselves is broken. I don't claim to know how, but I can certainly recall not having KMDDs count toward the 'kill or KMDD' portion of that earlier event.

#116 Righter8


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 09:22 AM

Hey PGI:

Thanks for tacking on another 2 days of self-centered, non-teamwork gameplay.Posted Image I wanted an excuse not to play with the new content being released today!! Thanks SO much. Posted Image See everyone Thursday night unless another ridiculous event is launched. Enjoy all the ME-Bills you earn trying to get the kill instead of winning the match through teamwork.Posted Image

View PostRighter8, on 13 November 2017 - 02:13 PM, said:

For PGI:

Love the Loot bag events.
LOVE the pick a prize events.
DESPISE the "Get X Kills/Components/Whatever" Events.

This game is a TEAMWORK based game. I love playing on a team that works together to accomplish the mission goals. If both teams are doing this, it makes the game all the better, win or lose.

When my entire team is competing against EACH OTHER, we are all losers. That's what these events promote. Every player is out there trying to rack up their numbers, regardless of the other players. They don't care if their team wins, loses or the outcome after they die racing at the slowest medium with all guns blazing.

Try picturing your events being played by professional sports teams. You want to see players making a mad rush for the ball so they can get as many baskets or are you more interested in a team that plays together for the overall win?

I tried playing a couple games Friday night. When I only saw LRM boats and high alpha builds clearly built to get off 2 shots before exploding, I logged out and haven't come back. I'll be on once this event is over and people want to play as a team again.

Please PGI, promote team play and reward mission based goals, not cowboy behavior and solo focus.

Or come out with 24 vs. 24 gameplay for those who just wanna play that crap.

#117 Bonzai VI


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 09:34 AM

Most people are done with the event.
The only real thing that changed for me over the last 4 days is that people suddenly became able to press r and kill the enemy more effectively.
Everyones crying about, that it ruins teamplay and everything, but could it be that there was no teamplay to begin with?

I've actually got more teamplay going on right now than before the event, it's possible for me to lead the charge with my tank mechs, tank the enemy for ~30 seconds, deal my 300-400 damage and win the game because people are neither nascaring nor running away but instead build a firing line.

As soon as you play without caring for the solo kills, (at least for me) it's really fun. Maybe all the ones that cried/claimed that there's no teamplay stopped playing and now the ones that actually have teamplay are left?

What I meant to say was: stop crying over an event you're looking ridiculous.

#118 Tekamen


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 09:58 AM

Really nice event. The solo kills are especially challenging and frustrating to work on, but also ultra satisfying when you get the kill, the KMDD, and the solo kill rewards to pop up. Makes me feel like I'm putting in real work ripping off those LRM boat side torsos and legs with a Dakka Kodiak. ;,,,;

Special thanks to the Developer's and PGI staff for extending this Kill for c-Bill event, because it has taken a little longer than expected to farm those sweet solo kills. XoXo

Edited by Tekamen, 14 November 2017 - 10:59 AM.

#119 GweNTLeR


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 12:51 PM

Wow haha someone failed to finish the ez event in 4 days, so you had to extend it. You want EVERYONE to finish it? Why not just give 1K MC for log in then? What is the point of such charity? I thought there must be some competition at least... Anyway, I just played normally for 3 hours to get it all done(QP and FW). IT LITERALLY was the easiest 1K MC event in the whole MWO history.
I even thought "hey, is it really 1K for doing THAT? Not 100?"
11/10 PGI I want more such events Posted Image
I dont know about "bugs" though, I had none.

Edited by GweNTLeR, 14 November 2017 - 01:22 PM.

#120 Marius Evander


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 01:25 PM

Got 1k MC on 1 account, got 500 MC done on other account, guess I might as well get that other 500 MC then. 2ez.

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