Bombast, on 07 December 2017 - 08:53 AM, said:
'Oh look, someone who agrees with me. That mean's he's unbiased.'
Khobai, on 07 December 2017 - 09:26 AM, said:
well to be fair jman is a good player, im more inclined to listen to him than that other guy
LRMs can be situationally good IMO. the problem is how wildly inconsistent they are. on some maps theyre good on other maps theyre borderline useless. And obviously LRMs are better if someone is narcing for you.
I think Quickplay should have a pre-game lobby like faction play that lets you pick your mechs after the map is decided. And you should be able to see what other mechs are on your team as well. That would help with the consistency aspect of LRMs.
Yeah wait times might be longer to get into games but I think the overall quality of matches would improve if you could talk to your team before the match begins and sort out what mechs youll all be playing. And whos gonna be the drop commander. etc...
Brain Cancer, on 07 December 2017 - 02:32 PM, said:
To give people an idea, I have two Supernova-A kitted out.
One's ATM 36, the other is LRM 70.
While I can spam missiles all day in A-Minus (LRM70), it's killing power is noticeably inferior. Yeah, I can dump alternating 35-missile salvos constantly, but they're not doing too much and they're less likely to hit before the target evades to cover. It's fun and I like watching a zillion missiles bury a target by inches sometimes, and has a bit more ammo endurance in terms of being able to stream fire at opponents for a very long time. Hitting them for significant damage OTOH...
A-Plus (ATM 36) is more accurate and rewards you for getting into effective range with more and better focused damage. With range nodes, it hits for 72 at 600m and 108 at 300m. It's more damage and more effective damage. It is, without a doubt to me, superior. I've run mixed LRM/ATM builds. These are also effective, but sacrifice some of the lethal shorter-range punch for the ability to spamfire.
Relishcakes, on 07 December 2017 - 11:15 PM, said:
I never said my build was the way to go. I'm still working on it. you are right though its pretty bad.
Arkham Chase, on 08 December 2017 - 12:02 AM, said:
They are not good or op. They are however, annoying and fun spoiling.
Lily from animove, on 08 December 2017 - 02:44 AM, said:
fishy argument, I played wow when it was even very populated, the fact that you exit a battleground (or a QP in MWO) at the same time as the others makes you often end up in the new MM pool together whicht hen leads to a similar matchup quite often and regulary.
@Jman5 i am a biit confused, you say of you poke out with your laserboat the yshoto everthing that moves, yet your magical missile boat can poke out AND get a lock, wouldn't it even recive mor damage than the laserbuild because poking getting a lock takes even longer than just poking and firing laz0rs?
Exard3k, on 08 December 2017 - 06:56 AM, said:
Are we still missing the proof in "proving lrms are good again"? Can't see any yet.
Asym, on 08 December 2017 - 07:27 AM, said:
Jay, no offense meant but, opinion isn't an exact science. You need to get use to that. Counting the Leaderboard is a good exercise but about as reliable as Kansas weather (the Butterfly efffect).... So many determinates and so much chaos.
LRM's and a great many other weapons are a mess at the moment. I like LRM's because they are a weapon of attrition: they attrit the enemy themselves and attrit the enemies ability to move.... If we were running combined arms in its bazzillion applications in the real world, we'd see a great many missle platforms replacing artillery or any IDF or CAS function.
These are BT based weapons that are SF... Truth? Please, I'll leave that to the forum pundits that we read each and everyday on this forum. What I do know, is PGI is changing "stuff" in preparation for what comes next. LRM's are part of that discussion and opinion, since PGI hasn't provided ANYTHING concrete, 0 hard data, or even a solid one, three or five year strategic vision, well, we'll keep on guessing.
Jay Leon Hart, on 08 December 2017 - 07:34 AM, said:
Please do not confuse opinion with facts.
"LRMs are fun" is an opinion.
"LRMs are not as effective as some other weapons" is a fact.
WRT the leaderboards, I have no idea how you can think the player numbers available are not reliable. Why do you think the number of matches listed per player is wrong, and what lead you to this assumption?
Troa Barton, on 06 December 2017 - 07:04 PM, said:
Wil McCullough, on 06 December 2017 - 07:13 PM, said:
Brain Cancer, on 06 December 2017 - 10:46 PM, said:
I got teamkilled the other day by an Ebon Jaguar with LRM 80.
Because he was dumbfiring them the entire time. First he ends up chainfiring them into my back because apparently a red square was between me and him.
Then, a Commando goes for my now open back. While I'm fending it off:
>Brain Cancer has been killed by Lurmtater
I spectate him. He's busily chainfiring his launchers nonstop and without a lock, missing completely. He hasn't hit R. Not at all. Apparently, the red hit indicators as he dumped missiles on me excited him too much to properly operate his buttons, other than the chainfire group he's holding the trigger on.
The Commando realizes he's the easiest target in history and mauls him to death. We win anyway.
MischiefSC, on 07 December 2017 - 01:51 AM, said:
They're bad at everything.
The almost 80 pt alpha on my MAD IIC laservomit strips armor - all of it, plus structure, from a single location on almost any mech. It does it in less than 1.5 seconds - less time than it takes your first salvo to even get to the target.
Your mixed loadout is terrible. Almost impossible to get one target into range for all of it and get proper use out of any of your weapons.
My RACs + AC2s on my Anni strip almost 38 pts every second for about 5 seconds, or about 190 damage in the time you're doing at best half of that, less accounting for travel time. Again, it's also far more precise.
Pretty much any direct fire build I can make will do the job better.
There is nothing, nothing LRMs do that another weapon doesn't do far, far better - save let you hide and shoot at people who your teammates are fighting - which gives a huge advantage to the other team. Anything other than hiding LRMs are bad at compared to other weapons.
You can do well with LRMs in the same way you can do well with stock builds and single heatsinks. Yes, you can get lucky sometimes and honestly you're just being carried by your team - but when you get lucky and the other team is terrible you can do okay.
sycocys, on 07 December 2017 - 03:34 AM, said:
LRMs at all are a waste of tonnage and slots.
You could have equipped a larger engine, more ammo/artemis for your srms, larger lasers (or cannons), more DHS, a bap for sensor range, targeting computer, heck even a command console provides a better benefit per ton than any LRM pack.
The problem is they don't strip armor, they peck away at it - at it all - where every other system other than flamers and out of range MG's your shots hit the location you want to hit and actually strip armor.
- LRMs aren't good, but they can be FUN if you draw low tier or drunk opponents.
Kalimaster, on 06 December 2017 - 03:17 PM, said:
LRM's are now good....because Ballistic and Energy based weapons have been over NERFed. Simple fact.
Exard3k, on 06 December 2017 - 04:01 PM, said:
Well not in my MWO. More like 1-2 out of 10 when I check other Mechs on Solo Queue
Revis Volek, on 06 December 2017 - 04:39 PM, said:
Anyone who is ACTUALLY skilled at chess or any game that requires some form of strategy will immediately see how terrible LRMS or anything like them are in fact terrible when weighed against the other options.
Anything with that many counters is a bad choice off the bat... They are very much terrible when used against anything else in this game.
I saw what you were in, your ripped my back open and just about TK;d me too. Should have just killed me instead of letting the enemy get me.
Never got to properly thank you in that Anni, maybe i will see you again soon.
Ghogiel, on 06 December 2017 - 11:23 AM, said:
Bush Hopper, on 06 December 2017 - 12:51 PM, said:
If you don't support this feature suggestion you must love using LRMs so much you probably sleep with one under your pillow.