Was just running through the TRO with a couple players. We came up with basically nothing. Anubis was closest, but there's some massive discrepancies, which I don't think I need to point out.

The safe bet right now is PGI/Alex original. There simply isn't a mech I can find with the right profile or loadout for what we see. Either that, or Alex has taken so many liberties with the design that speculation is impossible.
Unfortunately, it's sure as **** not an IS Omnimech like I had hoped. Unless they really, really screwed up the Owens or Strider. Like, seriously boned up.
I also really doubt its a Locust IIC, as others have speculated. The missile count is wrong, as is the head. Its one of those 'If it is it, it's really screwed up' options.
Also a pretty silly release, since we just got the Piranha.
Edited by Bombast, 06 December 2017 - 06:51 PM.