El Bandito, on 29 December 2017 - 01:29 AM, said:
Which is why I reported all of those cowardly chicken mcnuggets in today's match. Event or no, such behavior should be condemned.
I understand your frustration EL Bandito but look at all their scores no one made the 250 Threshold to get 2 Stocking stuffers. Maybe with this Russ might change some things in Faction Warfare to stop a total stomp on another team from a premade. There is some internal problems with Faction Warfare when one team would just Eject and play another game than face up to you guys.
I like yourself have always fought to the last man and I commend you EL Bandito on that, and your a man of honor. Plenty of games our whole team got smashed and I was the last man left and wanted to 1v1 a person and 5% came up to the challange but the rest of the clans just shot me down when I dropped. Its a problem that I hope Russ can fix in the future with Faction Warfare.
I really dont think myself there is a fix or thing they can do unless the scrap the whole system and do something different for Faction Warfare as most people only drop for the food pellets and then get off ASAP and play QuickPlay. Good luck El Bandito
(hats off to MS for doing the X-mas crab drop as well)
Edited by draiocht, 29 December 2017 - 10:12 PM.
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