Reza Malin, on 20 January 2018 - 03:11 AM, said:
Made this point several times before, same arguments pop up, mostly active units/players telling people to git gud, git voice comms, turn up to "training sessions", blah de blah. Things that switch most normal people off almost immediately.
Its pointless, this discussion will go nowhere. Ever.
It needs a huge revamp now, which it will never get. Its dead. PGI messed up in allowing units so much power over the entire game mode as the population dwindled. Being able to swap actions so easily didn't help, and allowing the population to decrease through inaction was the nail in the coffin. Its too late to change any of it now because people start crying "but muh fwends, but muh other faction mechs".
Now the population is so low, it essentially revolves around the same people who are all in on MWO, and barely any other games. They mostly all know each other regardless of unit, and will often play in pre mades through TS servers etc. People who just love clocking in as much as possible regardless of wait times or population, and probably don't play many other games. Just leave them to it.
Because if a 12 man of pugs, or even an average group turns up to feed them, so much the better, they then justify crapping all over them and keeping the new player experience at sub zero with....wait for it....having to wait longer due to low populations. Its a neverending circle of elitist circlejerk and new/average player dissatisfaction.
Hence why these discussions come around every so often.
Let it go. FP is dead and buried. Enjoy QP like 90% of the playerbase does, and hope Battletech and MW5 are good.
If not, then plenty of other good games coming in 2018! Roll on Tomb Kings Tuesday!
This is the mode that is designed for units.
New players don't belong, it says so in the warning.
While the population is low, it is for the entire game.
So in a way yes, it would be better to play the mode that is meant for coordinated units until the game dies out. That it has hung on this long is a small miracle and we have at least another year.
These discussions come around so often because of people complaining and wanting the mode to cater to the same crowd as quick play...
Last night I dropped from around 5pm until 1am with my unit (BCMC) and we only faced two pug groups. One of those groups while not all the same unit, were a group of regulars and it actually was one of the better matches.
I have to say I also gained a bunch of respect for the bunch of Marik pilots who cued up without hesitation three times in a row to face us.
So if last night is the result of these forums, or drop zone farming, or whatever, than great.
Getting to play against other organised units is exactly what this mode is about, and it is what it is at its best.
So I will be grateful if you move on to whatever great game is coming out and stop trying to push or complain to PGI to change the mode for solo player. There is quick play for that.