Zh0u, on 25 January 2018 - 03:25 AM, said:
Its me again.
Would like some recommendations on my first ever hero mech.

Prefer med or heavies since it will also be used to farm C-bills.
Some interesting choices:
Black Widow
Bounty Hunter
Open to other suggestions too.

Well i'll just say these are heroes i can get a lot of millage out of.
Jester, very fast moving laser boat, extremely solid and nimble. Dual AMS is nice too.
Misery, the stalker hero, it is just a fun mech. Ac20, MRM's and some lasers
Sparky, 6 MPL's and fast, a great little griffin.
TopDog, Thunderbolt's energy boat and a wonderful MPL or lpl mech.
I would say you can't go wrong with any of those, as long as you like energy builds