Kin3ticX, on 27 February 2018 - 01:56 AM, said:
The biggest thing you're missing there is that, even in the FOOS, they're rarely used at upper tiers of play . . .
but they're still used. As it stands right now LRMs are a joke at higher tiers of play. There's just too many hard counters. However, the proposed solution -and path to get there- actually lay out a way to deal with the problems most missile systems are having while still allowing them to be viable FOOS for new players and viable weapons at higher tiers of play.
Unlike the Extra Credits video, weapon systems in MWO aren't meant to be just tossed to the wayside at higher tiers of skill. However, certain weapon systems ARE meant to have a much lower skill level of entry with the ability to learn better tactics and skill ceilings for higher tiers of play.
Really, even lasers are a FOOS weapon, as well. They're hit-scan point and shoot weapons. However the skill cap on using them is quite high (burn duration, twisting damage, damage per tic, etc.). The same opportunity should be given to missile systems in their tuning AND addressing many of the systems' inherent flaws.
Reno Blade, on 27 February 2018 - 08:35 AM, said:
Otherwise you would need to put GH limits to 4 ML and 2LL of any class together so you can not fire larges with meds in big numbers.
As highlighted in my conversation with FupDup and Khobai, you just can't do that. IF you link ML and LL groups together, they're not selective in type (so you can't say ONLY CHLL will be affected like this) and the link is universal, so it's not selective in direction.
Yes, LPPCs have an exclusive GH limit of 3. HOWEVER, once you put 1 LPPC with 2 PPC it accrues ghost heat as if it were a PPC. Put 1 PPC with 2 LPPC and you get the same effect . . . it accrues ghost heat as if it were a PPC. To correlate this, that means if you link LL and ML GH groups, then if you fire 1 ML with 2 LL then it's going to accrue ghost heat as if it were a LL. PGI's ghost heat system will use the most punishing GH limit of any linked groups. You can't be selective about it.
Thus, you end up with the universal flaw of Ghost Heat . . . trying to tune weapons in a vacuum wherein players just look for the highest Alpha they can get out of the GH system limits. Something more universal needs to be done. As much as some people didn't like it, Power Draw was on the right track because it couldn't be gamed for higher alphas and it was universal . . . sadly PGI's approach to some facets was flawed and enough people complained to have it shelved. Hopefully they revisit it, or something similar.