chewie, on 17 February 2018 - 08:22 AM, said:
I've just done a slight comparison with existing mechs and aside from ther CB boosts (and the urbie with a 210 engine max) there is nothing worth getting from this pack.
Atlas Kraken.
Its a AS7-K but with downrated CT weapons.
Griffin ARES
Its a GRF-1S but with a different load out to begin with and the energy are split between the two arms.
Rifleman. Its a LK with a 3N loadout...
Urbie. R60/63 but with bigger engine cap.
Firestarter. Its an Ember with 2E moved to the CT
Banshee. Its a La Malinche with JJ
The only real special is the MDD, because none of the others can match it for E and M capacity. And with 2 of those E points being CT based, i thought it would limit you, and it does, to only 1 slot Energy weapons in those positions.
While I'm looking forward to a different mode etc, unless your after CB boost, there's no point getting the pack at all.
Now why couldnt they have added some of these babies, and given us something that both looks different and has no requirement to have more than 1 variant to master it (the way we used to).
I can't believe I'm gonna have to be the one to come to PGI's defense. Let me knock these out in order as best I can
AS7-KR isn't a downgraded AS7-K when looking at hard points. The hero gets an extra missile slot and an extra energy as well. If you take them base for base, the pulse lasers would have to be removed in order to make up the extra tonnage of the guass rifle.
GRF-AR might have the same number of hard points as the 1S but having them split ensures if you lose that one arm, you're not knocked out of the fight. Far too many times I've been made weaponless because of a singular spot on my mech being taken out, forced then to become an impromptu meat shield for other teammates.
The Rifleman is a 2N with a LK load out? Pretty sure at that point the DB would be a new variant. Given how rarely Riflemen make use of more than three ballistic hard points, this allows people to have a bit more leeway.
UM-SS This one I'm not too keen on. A higher engine cap would be nice, but given how fast I lose my arms on my other Urbanmechs, I can see myself becoming helpless far too quickly.
FSP-FS To be honest, this is how I wish the Ember was set up. More often than not, I want my machine guns in the arms over the torso. That's why I take my Spider more than my Firestarter when I'm choosing a light IS mech.
BMC-SR If only the La Malinche had that extra ballistic hard point, or the ability to fall long distances without damage, then maybe it wouldn't be one of the worst hero mechs in the game (And i bought one). To be honest, the Siren probably won't be anything more than a 'I bought a Maddog and all I got was this Banshee' type of bonus mech.
The Maddog and Rifleman are the two I want the most, followed by the Firestarter, possibly the Griffin. Those three I desire are more than worth the 30 dollar costs, the others being bonus parts for other mechs in a worst case scenario. Never mind the other incentives as well. This pack announcement might be enough to make me decide I didn't need the Blood Asp as much as I thought, since I can't throw too much money into this game right now.