Bud Crue, on 25 February 2018 - 04:59 AM, said:
People play stompy robot shooter, to shoot stompy robots. Objectives are secondary to that experience and so too are rewards even. If the objectives get in the way of that experience then most folks outright ignore the objectives no matter how great the rewards. I think PGI could triple objective rewards and the above would still be true for the majority of matches.
BINGO ! We have a winner !
Bud, you are correct Sir ! That is why Solaris is PGI's strategic goal !!!!!
We are reaping what players have sown........ They average player doesn't want to think, or use tactics, or teams or anything that is in any way complicated. They want to turn the game on, take their blaze orange and pink robot and blow crap up and they could give a crap less about teams, objectives or tactics.....
PGI is rewarding the many Bud, we are about to reap what was sown and shown to be easier to maintain, more effective to use micro-transactions in, can use an existing outdated gameplayengine and takes 2/3 less time to make changes on since the gameplay is now 2D versus 3D....... You Sir, have it 100%, spot on, correct and, sadly, we'll see the death of a niche...............until Solaris fails....