The GaussFather, on 02 March 2018 - 02:51 PM, said:
So let the haters attack!
This is the least helpful attitude to have, and it begs the question why we should even bother discussing this with you. You've already decided your right, and worse, that anyone who disagrees with you is 'a hater.' For someone so disgusted by the attitude of others, yours is abysmal.
Please let it go and actually consider what people are going to say.
EDIT: Sorry people, this response was longer than I anticipated, and probably longer than it needed to be.
The GaussFather, on 02 March 2018 - 02:51 PM, said:
Bad game design "proof":
1) While I'm in my "Big Robot" I can't see my feet or bend enough at the waist to look down.
This is one of the trade offs assault mechs make for having absurd amounts of firepower - It's difficult to bring to bear in some situations. While there's some particular mechs that may need to have their torso/arm movement profiles looked at, for the most part it's a solid game mechanic.
2) "Little Robot" sneaks/runs up to big robot and proceeds to wipe it out as "big robot" looks around and wonders, WTF is happening? (Humor me don't quote that and start saying I'm clueless, sucky player etc.)
You know what's happening though. You're being attacked. Whether it's from a light or another assault, the answer is basically the same - Twist to absorb damage, move to be in either a superior offensive or defensive position.
While its true new players are often flabbergasted when lights descend on them, that doesn't mean it's a bad mechanic, just one that requires a bit of experience.
3) Big Robot moves, Little Robot leghumps and Big Robot is destroyed. Game over for Big Robot.
And if little robot comes around a corner when big robot is looking in that direction, it dies. Game over for little robot. This scenario is far more common than leg humping, and yet you aren't campaigning about LB-60X builds or HGR Cyclops.
The fact a small mech can take advantage of a large mechs mobility and torso movement is no more a bad mechanic than a big mech being able to take advantage of a small mechs lack of armor.
Somehow the above situation doesn't follow tabletop rules or common sense. Its a bad mechanic, bad design, exploit, whatever you want to call it. I'm not the only one who has pointed it out (and probably won't be the last).
This is not a TT game.
Constructive Ideas for Easy Fixes for this Problem (in order of difficulty):
1) Increase damage received by running into an enemy mech by a factor related to the difference in mass. So Little Robot runs into Big Robots leg and goes "bonk": Big Robot takes little damage. Little Robot takes a lot.
Unnecessary, and the largest impact such a change would have would be lots, and I mean
lots, more TKing.
2) Allow the Assaults (and all the robots as far as I'm concerned) enough torso movement so pilots can see their feet/toes. Would that somehow REALLY wreck the game? I don't think so and it should have been considered much earlier on.
As far as I know, no mech can actually see it's toes. This change would give assaults the best torso movement in the game. Unnecessary and nonsensical.
3) Allow real melee attacks! Whoop! Just make it automated so that when you push the melee attack key/button the limb closest to the enemy hits it for damage (and some mutual damage too). OK - I'm dreaming here that PGI could ever implement something that alot of other game companies could pull off from the very beginning but its good to dream.
Melee gets discussed here a lot. Its complicated enough to need its own topic, but the shot of it is that the inclusion of melee brings about more problems than solutions.
Edited by Bombast, 02 March 2018 - 03:17 PM.