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Lights Are Op :) No Seriously The Piranha Is Killing The Fun For The Others

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Posted 28 February 2018 - 12:33 PM

View PostThe GaussFather, on 28 February 2018 - 12:13 PM, said:

So leg humping isn't an exploit? I can't even see the mech to return fire. Kinda lame game mechanic

Nope, only in your head it is.

How is it 'lame'? You are in a tall Assault he is in a small light.

Instead of complaining and claiming exploits, why don't you learn from your failure and discover ways to mitigate.

You already have tips from this thread, try them.

#42 Frantic Fire


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 12:34 PM

OP has never piloted lights(or even mediums), but complains they are overpowered. Go pilot some lights for a while and have fun getting one-shot by assault and heavy pilots that can aim, and then give us a revised opinion on their balance. Thanks.

#43 HammerMaster


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 12:36 PM

View PostVariant1, on 28 February 2018 - 12:29 PM, said:

mgs are supose to have high crit rate becuase their damage is so low, if a mech is losing all the internal then that means its already lost its armor from fighting against weapons taht can strip it not the mgs. The mgs are more of a finisher than an op boating weapon not to mention the short range they have. as for melee and tonnage no, dire shoudl not step on dire what needs to happen is a teamate should come help out or they should make it so you can shoot off mechs that get way too close

Melee tonnage no!?
Melee and knockdowns are a sorely missed and missing piece of the MWO puzzle.

#44 roekenny


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 12:50 PM

View PostQuandoo, on 28 February 2018 - 11:46 AM, said:

I play both. Never seen 1500 dmg with a light but often with assaults.
It's only OP if you don't play properly in team or have no streaks or can't aim.

I love to kill lights with gauss Posted Image

Lights tend to focus one mech down and stick to one component so mechs tend to die rather sharpish so can't farm damage. Just means they are doing their job.

But back to the tile of this topic. How are piranhas killing the fun any more than one of the following?
Laz vomit
Heavy gauss
Pop tarts
Splat builds
Sniper builds
Disco builds
Dakka builds
Inner sphere
The skill tree
[insert build what wrecks you favorite build but you refuse to adapt or play differently to counter the current meta here]

#45 Teenage Mutant Ninja Urbie


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 12:51 PM

like others said:

the lights are not your problem; it is sticking with the team;
which either boils down to
1) you doin' your own thing, in which case your doing 80% of the lights work for him: isolating yourself. in that case, you deserve to get eaten.
2) your team is running off, leaving the fattie(s) to "die by lights". in that case.. "welcome to QP" ;-)

srsly, running slower assaults in QP is unforgiving and makes oneself quite salty most of the time.
try groupplay or fw with a team - here people care more for their fatties (and OTOH expect you to -be- the front).

in QP - the more mobile you are, the less you depend on the rest of your team..

#46 Shazbot89


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 01:03 PM

If you have arm weapons you can hold shift down to unlock your arms and aim down. Even if you can't see him your hit ret will go red when you hit him. There's also an option to unlock arms from torso in the gameplay options. When you spray them with some random shots they usually run away. If you're just running torso weapon meta I really can't feel to bad for you because the other pilot took advantage of your disadvantage.



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Posted 28 February 2018 - 01:27 PM

View PostKing Kryptor, on 28 February 2018 - 12:34 PM, said:

OP has never piloted lights(or even mediums), but complains they are overpowered. Go pilot some lights for a while and have fun getting one-shot by assault and heavy pilots that can aim, and then give us a revised opinion on their balance. Thanks.

Wait, wait, wait a second....

You advocating for someone to 'walk a mile in another man's shoes' to gain perspective, knowledge, and experience?

You are clearly a witch and must be burnt.


#48 The GaussFather


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 01:36 PM

View PostKing Kryptor, on 28 February 2018 - 12:34 PM, said:

OP has never piloted lights(or even mediums), but complains they are overpowered. Go pilot some lights for a while and have fun getting one-shot by assault and heavy pilots that can aim, and then give us a revised opinion on their balance. Thanks.

Actually I have piloted lights and I can be a terror with my Firestarters and Death Knell. Its not that I don't pilot mediums or heavies... I just see that the game is out of kilter when 1 20 ton light can consistently destroy 100 ton mechs 1 on 1. Mainly because of exploiting the scale and lack of view and boating of machine guns/rockets/lasers. While I hate getting backstabbed its a legitimate tactic... but I don't think leg humping should be. So there! :P

#49 NRP


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 01:37 PM

Lights have always been a PITA for assaults since the beginning of time.

Doesn't mean they should be nerfed though. He'll, run a streak boat for a while to soothe your nerves. There are hard counters for light a-holes.

#50 HammerMaster


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 01:46 PM

All excellent remedies btw. But I'll stick to my original reply to OP.

#51 fat4eyes


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 01:47 PM

I've had a piranha take me out from the front in 2 secs (I was in an uziel with orange ct armor). That's a problem. Even the bigger alphas would have just taken me down to red structure and given me time to react. Sometimes I don't even hear the machine guns hit me before my side torso is blown off. That's an even bigger problem. I don't mind being killed really quickly, but I'd like to at least have a chance to react and survive it.

#52 SuperMCDad


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 01:49 PM

Piloting lights isn't a barrel of fluffy bunnies either. I got one shot by a dual H goose Slepnir last night in my wolfhound. It was in the back and it was by someone on my own team. Fun. My only consolation was that he died seconds later.

The only thing I can say is, don't get separated from your team. An assault on it's own is a very tempting target.

#53 roekenny


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 01:51 PM

View PostThe GaussFather, on 28 February 2018 - 01:36 PM, said:

Actually I have piloted lights and I can be a terror with my Firestarters and Death Knell. Its not that I don't pilot mediums or heavies... I just see that the game is out of kilter when 1 20 ton light can consistently destroy 100 ton mechs 1 on 1. Mainly because of exploiting the scale and lack of view and boating of machine guns/rockets/lasers. While I hate getting backstabbed its a legitimate tactic... but I don't think leg humping should be. So there! Posted Image

and I don't think lrms should be a thing or how if I'm not 50 meters away from a mech I can't hurt them and they can hit me behind cover, as HOW DARE people be able to hurt me and I'm not able to retaliate!!!

#54 FireStoat


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 02:11 PM

View PostMetus regem, on 28 February 2018 - 09:17 AM, said:

Here is a random thought, put more than 2 points of armour on your back....

I was piloting my Annihilator on Crimson Strait, heading towards the tunnel under the platform to do my thing. A Piranha player up above dropped down because he saw my mech and decided a trade was in order. He used his heavy small lasers on my rear CT and then burned out my internals with MGs in a little under 4 seconds. My team mates that were firing on him the moment he started couldn't kill him in time due to hitbox reg and his strafing from left to right.

I had 10 points of armor on my rear torsos.

On my part, any opinion I have on any mech in the game is irrelevant. When the comp players solely drop in Deathstrikes, Piranha, or Heavy Gauss mechs and nothing else, a problem (if it exists) will be detected and nerfs will happen. And things like Proton's Piranha K/D ratio of 18/1 will suddenly fall.

The advice I'd like to offer to the OP is to dress up a Streak mech and take 3+ medium pulse with it, and go grief light players from ever entering the game. Make it a Clan mech, and make sure you take your half ton Active Probe. Enjoy.

Edited by FireStoat, 28 February 2018 - 02:13 PM.

#55 ramp4ge


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 02:11 PM

View PostVariant1, on 28 February 2018 - 12:29 PM, said:

mgs are supose to have high crit rate becuase their damage is so low, if a mech is losing all the internal then that means its already lost its armor from fighting against weapons taht can strip it not the mgs. The mgs are more of a finisher than an op boating weapon not to mention the short range they have. as for melee and tonnage no, dire shoudl not step on dire what needs to happen is a teamate should come help out or they should make it so you can shoot off mechs that get way too close

Most weapons a light can carry have enough alpha to strip the rear armor off of pretty much any mech in any sensible build that anyone would run anyway. A pair of c-heavy mediums will strip off 10 rear armor in half a burn, or 0.75 seconds. Without skills. And then it's just critcritcritcritcritdead.

This is pertty much the entire purpose behind the c-ersl/4x mg Nova S. It literally rips assault mechs apart in seconds.

I don't think that's what they had in mind when they made MGs crit seekers.

#56 A1Ste4kSauce


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 02:26 PM

If it's 2v1 or even 1v1 light vs assault you messed up or your team is all dead. What makes a good light pilot is patience and picking unfair fights. So stick with another assault if your team is running off. I will never close in on other lights, mediums, or paired up mechs. I will however punish lone heavies or assaults. I suggest playing lights to see just how many weaknesses they have. Myst lynxes and piranhas are not op, but a good pilot will use their limited ammo to backstab and crit out weapons, this is amplified when a fight is going on and they wreck havoc unnoticed.

Use the buddy system, and throw on an ssrm6 while you're at it, I do it with my battlemaster and it keeps the lights away. If you fail to use your teammates or sacrifice somewhere to get some anti-light weapons, you're to blame for giving easy prey to lights. Also, 100 tonners are honestly the worst agains lights, as they have their cockpits high up, and as sad as it is, I stopped taking my atlas to qp, its all around awful against anything.

Honestly though, most of the piranha players aren't light pilots by nature, so they just charge you thinking their mgs are uac20's when you have full armor, only to get blasted to bits. And the game is fair, for every 5/6 kill myst lynx or kitfox game, I have a sub 100 match where I get blasted by a massive alpha. Lights are just as unforgiving as assaults.

#57 stealthraccoon


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 02:28 PM

Omg, I so love my brittle fish!
XL170, SHS 12MG’s and 12000 rounds...
If you shoot me, I die.
If you ignore me, you die.
I can’t face-tank you if you have armor, but if your positioning is off, I’ll harass you to pull you off teammates or squirrel you away from the fight. If there are stripped components showing, I’m chewing on that.
Most everything is instadeath to me, so being reckless is kinda irrelevant.

Pirahna isn’t an exploit, it’s a mindset.

Edited by stealthraccoon, 28 February 2018 - 02:47 PM.

#58 Yosharian


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 02:58 PM

If you're in an Assault, your team should be covering your ***. If not, something went badly wrong.

#59 wizwoz


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 03:09 PM

Stick together and cover each other’s arses, I’ve not seen many assaults getting ripped unless they storm off on their own.

#60 Grus


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Posted 28 February 2018 - 03:46 PM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 28 February 2018 - 09:40 AM, said:

Had a Piranha hug my crotch in a quad Gauss KDK-3 once. It was awful.
Locust and ravens and commandos oh my! Yeah it's a old song and dance for kdk-3 pilots with no weps in the arms... kinda funny the IS is getting their turn.

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