Strength Damage Cliff Racer, on 04 March 2018 - 10:32 AM, said:
Except that you just need to remember their locations. It's easy to peek at it to aggro, make the rock/wall eat the laser shot and then kill it before cooldown will cycle. Granted, if some other enemies would be around to ruin your fun, it would be a pain train, but I've seen enough matches where fastest mech enemy had is in low 90s on speed.
Also, these medium lasers spread nicely if you step on the hill and twist. It's easy to distribute all damage over 4-5 parts if not the 7.
Light mechs doing there early game job on escort rarely have time to take such precautions. They're too busy trying to sprint to that one special node everyone fights around, that decides which team gets to eat LRMs/ATMs for the rest of the match because if it isn't flipped in 45 seconds it never will be. Once they get there, they get to brawl with the enemy lights, where they get to play a game of 'Who's heavies get here first.'
Lights do not have it easy in Escort.
There's an argument for changing how nodes operate, true. But it's not because they favor lights. In fact, if the ECM nature of nodes was nerfed, lights would probably benefit the most, since they would no longer have to work so god damn hard to control them.
Yeonne Greene, on 04 March 2018 - 10:43 AM, said:
The entire mode is trash.
And that, of course.
Edited by Bombast, 04 March 2018 - 10:47 AM.