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Sun Spider Builds

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#1 The6thMessenger


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Posted 21 March 2018 - 06:08 PM

Lots of people received the Vanguard and Powerhouse as their freebee. Sometimes it's hard to build a new mech, so here's my suggestions.


If you have good working build for the Vanguard or Sun Spider, share it here.

#2 Shadey99


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Posted 22 March 2018 - 02:20 AM

My first build was a pair of UAC-10s with the PPC. I saw a few dual gauss builds while playing. I've yet to try it, but I did spec out a 2x ATM-9 with heavy laser build. All for the Vanguard.

#3 Damnedtroll


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Posted 22 March 2018 - 04:43 AM

My choice of payload stopped on twin uac10 and one erppc.

Tested twin gauss but got to much torso explosion...you need to be sneaky like hell and not sharing armor to survive with twin gauss. Not sure if it help the team that much.

#4 TheRealTommo


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Posted 22 March 2018 - 05:52 AM

I've been using 2 UAC 5's, ER PPC and 3 SRM 6. Toasty.

Edited by TheRealTommo, 22 March 2018 - 05:52 AM.

#5 Eisenhorne


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Posted 22 March 2018 - 05:52 AM

SNS-D - https://mwo.smurfy-n...4e02e14ed3141c1

2x UAC/5, 1x UAC/10, ECM

I shaved a ton of armor off the CT to get an extra ton of ammo into it, because I almost never die to CT hits, I generally lose both ST's first. Might as well not even have a CT.

Edited by Eisenhorne, 22 March 2018 - 05:52 AM.

#6 Zookeeper Dan


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Posted 22 March 2018 - 07:49 AM

Vanguard with 2 LB10X and 3 SRM4s. Worked surprisingly well. Finished the challenge in two games. Would play again!

#7 Dragonporn


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Posted 23 March 2018 - 12:36 AM

What do you guys think about dual Gauss? Viable anyhow?

#8 The Basilisk


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Posted 23 March 2018 - 01:18 AM

View PostThe6thMessenger, on 21 March 2018 - 06:08 PM, said:

Lots of people received the Vanguard and Powerhouse as their freebee. Sometimes it's hard to build a new mech, so here's my suggestions.


If you have good working build for the Vanguard or Sun Spider, share it here.

Yea tripple U5 and PPC, well pretty much this is where it's at since you have to stay at range with this mech.
Tried a quad UAC2 version out of the D omnipods.
While it performs decently on large maps with long firing lanes as Polar, Therma or Grim it realy sucks on maps where you are forced into dogfights.
While I got the feeling this build works with more precision than the 3xU5 builds (you can litteraly collect heads...got 5 yesterday) it also produces less dps and not enough burst to turn the tide when needed.

Dual ERPPC and Gauss works too but is unsatisfying due to comparatively low dmg output in faster, more aggressive matches where runrunrun push push push spreadfire builds collect all the shine.

And last but not least, for the lulz of it try an LB20X and 3 ASRM6 build.

#9 Damnedtroll


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Posted 24 March 2018 - 05:00 PM

View PostDragonporn, on 23 March 2018 - 12:36 AM, said:

What do you guys think about dual Gauss? Viable anyhow?

Viable if your not critted... tried it and the risk of being blown to bits from a cored Side torso is so high that i changed to other weapons fast.

Changed my twin uac10 and single erppc build to 1 LB10x, 1 uac10 and 1 Erppc. Very successful with this build and give me some of my best heavymech games this year.

Edited by Damnedtroll, 24 March 2018 - 06:23 PM.

#10 Tesunie


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Posted 24 March 2018 - 08:28 PM

I've been seeing success wit twin LRM15s, dual UAC5s and a HML. Been working on being sneaky, but still very much on the front lines. Typically run 2.5 tons of UAC5 ammo, rest LRM ammo, but spice with ammo according to taste.

#11 Larsh


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Posted 26 March 2018 - 08:04 AM

Played Properly, the Sun Spider Prime Can Be A Decent Brawler. With a -20% UAC Jam chance, this thing can be a lot of fun!

I run it with 4 SRM4 w ART, 1 MPL, and 1 UAC10

Edited by Larsh, 26 March 2018 - 12:02 PM.

#12 J0anna


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Posted 18 April 2018 - 09:04 AM

So has the revision to hitboxes helped this mech at all?

#13 Tesunie


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Posted 18 April 2018 - 09:15 AM

View PostJ0anna, on 18 April 2018 - 09:04 AM, said:

So has the revision to hitboxes helped this mech at all?

Another thing I need to test this patch, thanks for reminding me.

So far, I don't know yet. I certainly hope it did, but at the same time I got rather use to those large side torsos... Forced me to play sneaky or die.

#14 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 18 April 2018 - 07:26 PM

View PostTesunie, on 18 April 2018 - 09:15 AM, said:

Another thing I need to test this patch, thanks for reminding me.

So far, I don't know yet. I certainly hope it did, but at the same time I got rather use to those large side torsos... Forced me to play sneaky or die.

I truly hope the changes helped. This looks like a good brawler but looks can deceive.

#15 Tombe0


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Posted 24 September 2018 - 11:19 AM

Started recently using this as a lurm platform: https://mech.nav-alp...ab7902bd_SNS-VG

With the skill nodes needed to get all missile nodes you CAN just fire a full alphastrike if at <5% heat and not spike over 100% heat.

75 C-LRM per volley, this thing eats lights for lunch :) And since it's clantech, no pesky minimum range if they think just to charge at you ;)

#16 B L O O D W I T C H


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Posted 24 September 2018 - 04:20 PM

Goes hard like a mini MCII-B with ECM, 1k easy peasy

#17 tutzdes


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Posted 25 September 2018 - 03:31 PM

View PostTombe0, on 24 September 2018 - 11:19 AM, said:

75 C-LRM per volley, this thing eats lights for lunch Posted Image And since it's clantech, no pesky minimum range if they think just to charge at you Posted Image

Except it doesn't, really. Thank you very much for teaching people to become a proper totally harmless food for light mech players!

1) With lurms you're forced to stagger-fire to avoid the ghost heat, the lights will break the lock long before you could fire full alpha.
2) Artemis was nerfed, so it is a waste of tonnage better spent elsewhere.
3) Most of the lurms will miss the moving light mech even if you can keep the lock.
4) Clan lurms don't have true minimum range, but at 100m the damage is so pathetic, so you won't be able to kill a cored light with a full salvo. Your heat build up is not affected, so it is the second best way to overheat while being useless, just after firing lurms at the wall.

So, unless Clan lurmboat has at least four lasers with low burn time (say medium pulses) it is officially a light mech food.

#18 Tesunie


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Posted 25 September 2018 - 04:55 PM

View Posttutzdes, on 25 September 2018 - 03:31 PM, said:

2) Artemis was nerfed, so it is a waste of tonnage better spent elsewhere.

4) Clan lurms don't have true minimum range, but at 100m the damage is so pathetic, so you won't be able to kill a cored light with a full salvo. Your heat build up is not affected, so it is the second best way to overheat while being useless, just after firing lurms at the wall.

Though I'm not in total disagreement when it comes to boated LRMs (I do like them, but I also acknowledge their weaknesses), a couple of your points seem a little off.

2. Artemis was nerfed, but it does still have benefits (and it appears as though PGI is already considering some buffs to the system, but AFTER they collect some data on where it is at now). Against lights, the tighter spread should help land more missiles on target. Either that... or it's going to make more missiles miss (where as a "carpet bombing" of LRMs may be more effective here), I'm not sure if it still provides better homing/tracking strength... If it does, then it helps even more against lights. If not... Well, I never really used Artemis all that much. Rather place that tonnage into my direct fire portion of my builds...

4. They do have a minimum range, a soft minimum range. Though you are correct that, once something gets close enough, there is a cut off distance where shooting CLRMs basically becomes worthless. However, sometimes all it takes is just a small portion of damage to drop a target. Lets be honest here, how many of us have (for example) gotten a TK with less than 5 points of team damage dealt... Same principal can apply here. I have dropped some charging targets with my CLRMs before. Though, I don't disagree with you here all that much. I do like a strong presence of direct fire weapons to go with my LRMs, clan versions or not. Then again, I seem to be an odd duck when it comes to LRM use from my typical fellow LRM jock... Posted Image

#19 RickySpanish


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Posted 06 October 2018 - 07:58 PM

It's a kind of crap 'Mech, suffering from a lack of hardpoints and omnimechitus with the locked in engine. It can *almost* do some good builds, like 2 LB20-X with SRMs, but not quite. The ECM option is interesting, but you are locked into a poor selection of hardpoints with that. Basically, it can do 3 UAC with medium lasers and optionally ECM. Quite underwhelming but good against noobs who don't see 'Mechs that aren't on the minimap.

#20 Eisenhorne


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Posted 06 October 2018 - 10:16 PM

View PostRickySpanish, on 06 October 2018 - 07:58 PM, said:

It's a kind of crap 'Mech, suffering from a lack of hardpoints and omnimechitus with the locked in engine. It can *almost* do some good builds, like 2 LB20-X with SRMs, but not quite. The ECM option is interesting, but you are locked into a poor selection of hardpoints with that. Basically, it can do 3 UAC with medium lasers and optionally ECM. Quite underwhelming but good against noobs who don't see 'Mechs that aren't on the minimap.

Exactly. If it was a 64 KPH heavy instead of an 81 KPH heavy, maybe with a few less built-in heatsinks, more laser hardpoints available, and ECM in the CT instead of the torso (or have a ballistic + ECM omnipod) it might be decent. As it stands now, I can generally get the weapons I want on it but basically no ammo.

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