5th Fedcom Rat, on 08 April 2018 - 04:32 PM, said:
I agree that front loading carries risks, but there's no way any other mech can get behind and stay behind a competent Locust pilot. There simply isn't a mech fast enough to do that and deal with the torso turn that the Locust has.
If you're running through the front line you're opening yourself up to more front shots than back shots. You can pass a mech, turn your torso, take a shot, and then twist your torso another way to avoid getting back shot. On some of my more brawly lights I add a bit more back armor (4-5 pts max) that's all your really need if you are moving properly. If you split your armor 10/10 on the Locust you are just as likely to get one shot from the front as from the back and you are far more likely to get shot in the front than in the back if you are playing correctly.
I disagree. While peeking lights definitely should be heavily front loading armor, even brawl lights should be front loading pretty heavily. You should spend more time looking at the enemy than showing the enemy your back and if you are doing that you are going to get shot in the front more than the back and therefor need more front armor. Splitting the armor too evenly just makes you more likely to get one shot from both directions, particularly in the Locust.
So you can't necessarily skimp back armor. Even in a light.
I agree that disengaging is more dangerous than engaging as a light, that's why you have to plan your exit strategy before you go in. That said, the Locust has 120 degrees of yaw to each side, you can absolutely shield your back while running away if you plan your lines right. Plan your exits so that you can do them without exposing your back for any length of time and you can afford to drop your back armor pretty low.