So with all that said let's explore some options.
IS Lights
- Stinger/Wasp, 20t humanoid with jj and unseen. Basically the same mech tbh.
- Mongoose, 25t digitred, fast with good HPs. Upgrade/sidegrade to the Com.
- Hussar, 30t chicken walker that's super fast however would need extra HPs.
IS Mediums
- Clint, 40t humanoid, similar build wise to the Vulcan but has some variants with noteable differences.
- Dervish, 55t humanoid missile boat. Similar to the Griffin but it fits BT
IS Heavies
- Lancelot, fast 60t humanoid with high mounts & jj, a better Rifleman mostly. Exceptionally rare in BT's timeframe it was still not extinct.
- Crusader, unseen 65t humanoid with numerous variants.
- Excaliber, fast 70t humanoid with an interesting combo of ballistic and missile but it does have decent variant variety as well.
- Hammerhands, slow 75t with interesting HPs and JJ. Only in museums and personal collections but technically not extinct.
- Flashman, fast 75t humanood with a roundish torso that could roll dmg well. Generally a straight upgrade over the BK for MWO.
IS Assaults
- Charger, 80t humanoid. Has potential with MWO's mechlab and also has some interesting variants.
- Thug, 80t humanoid. Mostly energy & missile but it needs hp inflation.
- Longbow, 85t humanoid unseen. Known for missiles it actually has a lot of energy HPs and it's NAIS variant is an ecm equipped ballistic boat.
These aren't my wishlist exactly, they're just ones that interested me the most when filtering for mechs that HBS could get from PGI.
No Clan mechs because 3025 in the IS the Clan hadn't invaded. Also, plz no derailing.
Edited by TheArisen, 06 May 2018 - 04:15 AM.