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Sales ! Generosity Or Cash Flow Issues ?

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#21 Racerxintegra2k


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 12:01 PM

View PostTWIAFU, on 30 May 2018 - 11:08 AM, said:

Why look a gift horse in the mouth?

Take advantage of the sales, play new mechs, and heaven forbid - try something new instead of the same mechs all the time.

I'm not really complaining about the sale/free stuff, just kind of nervous by it. I love variety i have over 200 mech variants and at least 1 of every chasis in the game ISand Clan.

#22 Haipyng


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 12:10 PM

View PostRacerxintegra2k, on 30 May 2018 - 12:01 PM, said:

I'm not really complaining about the sale/free stuff, just kind of nervous by it. I love variety i have over 200 mech variants and at least 1 of every chasis in the game ISand Clan.

Judging by Steam numbers (which granted, don't tell the whole story) the population of active players has remained pretty level. I don't think MWO is going anywhere. As long as people are putting down real money, especially on new Mech Packs, it will go on.

Of course there is a goodly number of people pretty disaffected with the nerfs, balancing, game modes, Faction Play, etc... Gee thanks, now you are making me nervous. Posted Image

#23 Rando Slim


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 12:13 PM

I had the same thought as the OP.....but I tend to be a cynical ******** so.......but for real I've been here since 2013 and I've never seen 3 sales within 2 weeks before. Correct me if I'm wrong but that seems new. I get a vibe of...."we may not be closing but we're winding down or shifting elsewhere and we don't value this stuff so here well let it out from behind the grindwall". This current sale is all old stuff but the motherload sale certainly wasnt.

#24 Exilyth


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 12:20 PM

I'd guess "Let's give players something to do while we consider what direction to take MW:O next".

#25 CFC Conky


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 01:46 PM

Well, there has been some chat lately about improving the grind for newer players. Frequent sales and easy to complete events would certainly qualify, imo.

Good hunting,
CFC Conky

#26 Chados


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 02:08 PM

I think they’re trying to get more older mechs in the game. The ones on sale are all the ones from the distant past that have been long passed by in power creep.

#27 TLBFestus


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 02:31 PM

View PostIllCaesar, on 30 May 2018 - 10:30 AM, said:

but most folks who were all "screw MWO, I'm gonna drop it forever and go play Battletech when it launches!" will be coming back around then.

I don't know why people think this to be accurate.

It's just as likely that those of us who quit playing (and paying) and are playing Battletech are not coming back. Maybe we were just waiting for something better to come around that involved stompy robots, and Battletech provided that and helped free me from the idiocracy running this game.

#28 Angel of Annihilation


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 02:53 PM

I got to say I was feel a bit awkward about all the sales myself. It kind of feels like they are desperately trying to get people to spend money, any money as fast as possible. It is concerning to say the least, especially when I consider how much I have invested in this game and how much it would hurt if for some reason they decided to close up shop in the near future.

#29 Domineus


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 03:17 PM

The release of Battletech has drawn in a huge amount of new blood to the IP as well as old veterans getting interested again. I see this as PGI capitalizing on the influx of players as they curiously poke their head in from our turn based strategy neighbors.

#30 Tordin


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 03:39 PM

View PostDomineus, on 30 May 2018 - 03:17 PM, said:

The release of Battletech has drawn in a huge amount of new blood to the IP as well as old veterans getting interested again. I see this as PGI capitalizing on the influx of players as they curiously poke their head in from our turn based strategy neighbors.

Yeah, exactly.
My bet is PGI is just fine. And yeah Battletech helped bring attention to not only fans of the franchise with vets and bloodied fans. But also brought attention to those who have never have heard of it before and likes tactics, mecha, strategy, FPS, simulation, base building games.

Alot of kudos to PGI for getting the bigger picture seeing Battltech success is also MWO/ MW5 success.

An identication on the growth of Battletech as a franchise can just be seen at the Reddit forums. MWO have slowly grown to around 8000 this year.
The reddit forum for Battltech the game have grown from ca 2000 - 3 000 before its release to a WHOPPING 14.2 K now!
Thats insane! In a good way! Shows alot of promise.

#31 Ghogiel


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 03:57 PM

generosity, milking whales, same thing.

#32 Peter2k


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 04:54 PM

Usually I'd be worried with that many sales in a row
We've been coming from bonus MC on black Friday only to several times a year

Hero mechs off so much in a row.

But I'm guessing those sales coincide with BT and its release/success on purpose. :D

View PostRacerxintegra2k, on 30 May 2018 - 07:32 AM, said:

What do you mean you could have purchased Skyrim like 7 times since then.

Well I guess the 7 times was removed

But to play devils advocate

You got Skyrim, then the special edition, then the console version, then the VR console version, the full price again for the switch version (note skyrim is an old game now, switch being a new console, but full price game)
When they bring out a version for android and iOS its gonna be full price again :D even if it will be like 10 years old by then

View PostSpheroid, on 30 May 2018 - 06:48 AM, said:

@Teer: Why on Earth would there be yet another Fallout game so soon after four? You are aware there hasn't been a new Elder Scrolls since 2011?

Rumored to be an online game

View PostViktor Drake, on 30 May 2018 - 02:53 PM, said:

I got to say I was feel a bit awkward about all the sales myself. It kind of feels like they are desperately trying to get people to spend money, any money as fast as possible. It is concerning to say the least, especially when I consider how much I have invested in this game and how much it would hurt if for some reason they decided to close up shop in the near future.

Yeah well but only old stuff is having a sale

I'd be worried if they lower the price of everything, including new mech packs

View PostExilyth, on 30 May 2018 - 12:20 PM, said:

I'd guess "Let's give players something to do while we consider what direction to take MW:O next".

And here I thought I saw Paul on Twitter "complaining" that Russ told him to get on with next roadmap :D
Still not nothing yet

Edited by Peter2k, 30 May 2018 - 05:18 PM.

#33 KodiakGW


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 06:10 PM

Seems to me like a lot more sales since the first announced Solaris and possibly going back to 8v8 way back in August/September 2017. Just took a quick look at the announcements for the last six months:

May 29 - Mech Yourself Sale
May 25 - Double XP MC Sale
May 23 - Hotter Than Heck
May 16 - 'nother Load Sale
May 10 - Motherload Sale
May 4 - More Solaris 7 Deals with MC
April 26 - Solaris Deals with MC
April 19 - Double XP and Conversion with Purple and Champion sale
March 22 - Lucky Charms Event 2 and Mech Pack Sale/Worth their Weight in Gold
March 18th - MRBC Ready Up Sale
March 16th - Pot Of Gold Sale
March 5th - Trial by Fire Event and Sale
Feb 9th - Valentines Event and Sweet Deals
Feb 5th - Lunar New Year Sale and Event
Jan 24th - Double XP Event and Sale
Dec 16th (thru Jan 7th) - Holidays/New Years Sale

And I believe more than what I just found with a quick look. Lots more than what we had the prior years for the first 6 months of a year. MC on sale multiple times. Not just old mechs on sale, but desirable ones less than a year since release. Anni's, Mad Cat MK II, all the rest of the Civil War and Escalation ones, the Clan Heroes II, and I can go on. Seems like anything released for MC or CBills purchase has been on sale about a month after availability.

Seems to me like if you miss a sale, don't worry. It will be on sale again shortly. Not just having sales for returning players.


#34 IllCaesar


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 08:19 PM

View PostTLBFestus, on 30 May 2018 - 02:31 PM, said:

I don't know why people think this to be accurate.

Posted Image


It's just as likely that those of us who quit playing (and paying) and are playing Battletech are not coming back.

Posted Image


Maybe we were just waiting for something better to come around that involved stompy robots, and Battletech provided that and helped free me from the idiocracy running this game.

There were already plenty of games out there with stompy robots prior to Battletech. None of them satisfied the itch that MWO scratched. Before Battletech there were only two and a half giant stompy robot FPS games (Titanfall gets half credit) and a month after Battletech there still are only two and a half such games. Battletech is fun and all but the fact that it is an entirely different genre means it won't leave most fans satisfied. Further, the flaws in the game will become more and more explicit and bothersome while the game gets more repetitive as the amount of strategies in multiplayer will be fewer than in MWO and the single player, well, it took me about a dozen missions to figure out how to never lose.

#35 Black Ivan


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 10:27 PM

For me it looks like they try to make as much money in a short amount of time, especially after Battletech released. Seeing how the quality of matches has declined I guess they try to milk the players as muc has they can.

The Vulcan Mech Pack seems to be not selling well either

#36 ArcRoyale


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Posted 31 May 2018 - 03:40 AM

You are actually complaining about getting things at a lower price. And having free stuff. And that's "you" (plural).



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Posted 31 May 2018 - 04:06 AM

View PostDomineus, on 30 May 2018 - 03:17 PM, said:

The release of Battletech has drawn in a huge amount of new blood to the IP as well as old veterans getting interested again. I see this as PGI capitalizing on the influx of players as they curiously poke their head in from our turn based strategy neighbors.

TBH, with this sale on and playing Battletech of late, I have bought many mechs from BT in MWO and been playing them.

You know what, I'm having fun with them. Meta be damned, I know I am and Unitmates are having fun.

#38 Eisenhorne


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Posted 31 May 2018 - 05:59 AM

View PostTordin, on 30 May 2018 - 03:39 PM, said:

Alot of kudos to PGI for getting the bigger picture seeing Battltech success is also MWO/ MW5 success.

This can't be overstated enough. By agreeing to license the MWO models to HBS for their game, it definitely is a sort of success for one = success for the other thing, because they have a shared aesthetic, so players who liked one are more likely to try the other. It almost looks like they're different modes of the same game, which is really cool. Establishing a single look and feel for all mechs is awesome.

#39 Pain G0D


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Posted 31 May 2018 - 06:23 AM

All these non stop awesome sales are filling up our mechbays . Mechbays , discount or not are still the cheapest thing you could possibly buy . Assuming there is an influx of new players who discovered MWO after battletech , they gonna be starving for mechbays .

There is your conspiracy kiddies . We are being tickled into contributing towards record breaking Mechbay sales profits . Posted Image

Edited by Pain G0D, 31 May 2018 - 06:24 AM.

#40 RandomCast


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Posted 31 May 2018 - 07:33 AM

I can say that I am a new player to this game. I found out that this game was still going after hearing about it about a few years back from one of my friends that played it. I got back in after the release of Battletech with a renewed interest in the lore and the game play.

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