Paul Inouye, on 11 June 2018 - 12:30 PM, said:
Gonna throw a wrench in here to see what you guys think of this. Kinda related...
Dropping support for groups of 3,5,6,7,9,10,11. All of the groups of that size COMBINED make up less than 0.01% of games being launched. This would mean the MM would only be dealing with groups of 2,4,8 and 12 which would speed things up drastically. While this is something not really slated for implementation... I'd like to know if anyone has some thoughts on this.
Can certainly understand how having even numbered groups would certainly help the tetris game of match making.
Making use of friends/unit lists and the looking for group feature should make building an even numbered group easier and players that do form groups tend to use this anyway so I don't see it being a big drawback.
I can understand there could be some difficulties in making up the numbers when you lose a player, particularly at the higher group numbers as if it can't be done easily, then there are more players out of action and the group would need to split up leaving a player behind.
For example:
We get a group of 8 together, have a few games and then lose 1 player bringing us down to 7.
Let's say that for what ever reason it's hard to get that extra 1 player to get the group back to 8.
The group would need to split into a 4 player and a 2 player and leave 1 behind to get back into the matches.
There is the similar scenario for the 12 player group that loses 1 and then could struggle to make up the extra numbers.
It isn't a massive issue but there are a couple of points to take into consideration.
First, having some better functions to be able to split or manage the group by lances by allowing individual lances to launch and better player to lance allocation.
There is some functionality in the Private Lobby and the Battlegrid that allows us to assign players to lances that would be really good to standardize throughout the game and improve the UI.
If the group screen was better organised into the lance structure it would then be beneficial to have the ability to launch individual lances that have enough players (2 or 4) and are readied up.
Add to that a linked launch option when there is more than one lance ready so as the group waxes and wanes it is easy to keep the majority of the group dropping into matches while the odd numbers are resolved.
It should only ever be a case of needing 1 more player in the group and it gives us true
modular grouping functionality based around the lances as the building blocks for a full company drop.
Determining who can launch a group would also need to be looked at in this scenario so maybe it would be beneficial to assign lance command and company command roles with these options.
I would also suggest that the when we combine groups it encompasses this functionality and visibility. This may be particularly beneficial within Faction Play.
Not sure I'm explaining that concept too well so I might try a picture or short vid when I get the chance.
There is also the suggestion, as mentioned earlier, about allowing solo players to opt into the group queue.
The problem with this is that it is a function that would apply once searching for a match and therefore does not work with the change to groups which would prevent the group from launching if they do not meet the number requirements.
Perhaps it could be more of a flag in the friend/unit list that marks the player as looking for group just so we have a bit more visibility there. Improving the looking for group UI a little as a screen that we need to be utilizing more would be beneficial.
For Faction Play, perhaps the call to arms could be changed to a feature that groups could use to call in additional players to add to their group?
While I still believe that the game would benefit from having flexibility in the team sizes, adjusting the limits on groups is a positive step and can be combined with some good group management functions to really bring it all together.