I like how much effort was put into this, I agree and disagree with some of the conclusions and I'll focus below on the high priority feedback ones.
High priority feedback comments:
Small lasers: disagree. Clan small lasers are fine, IS suffer from light mech choice with insufficient energy points, it's not a weapon problem. For mediums and above, small lasers shouldn't be a primary weapon anyways.
Clan auto-cannon: disagree, they're all usable. Clan UACs are just powerful that despite Clan AC and LBX being superior to IS versions, there's no need to take them. Tune down C-UACs the same way that IS UACs have drawbacks (heat, weight, size pellet), is the only way to solve this.
Artemis: Disagree on SRMs, I still use them and feel they're absolutely worth the tonnage. No comment on LRMs.
Rotaries: Disagree, they're like MRMs. Less effective than PPFLD and spreading, but high damage padding. Maybe at most allow the weapon to shoot during ramp up at a reduced rate.
UAC20s: disagree, they're effective but risky, take a non jaming version as stated in lore if you want consistency, no upgrades here
Light gauss: agree, this or, just allow charging 4.
LBX 2/5: Agree but without making them ACs with extra crit chance so either cooldown or spread, not both.
Clan Lasers: Disagree, change. HLL to 16 damage and reduce cooldown, duration, heat by 1/9. No other changes needed.
Disagree: Make dead zone 1/2 damage, add 45 meters to snub optimal range.
IS LBX 20: Agree for 10 slots until crit splitting and ammo change is implemented, but would still be inferior to clan version. Please reduce spread to 0.9.
Laser AMS: No comment, never used it
Conclusion: please reduce clan bias.
Edited by Nightbird, 07 June 2018 - 12:13 PM.