Pelmeshek, on 12 June 2018 - 01:18 PM, said:
Well, i can explain all in Russian but u cant understand nothing and its just waste of my time.
So Vxheous explain all correctly what i think.
God damit, HSR its some kind of mantra for you? You want to write off all your mistakes to HSR? U really stubborn or what?
Here u can read about HSR. And pls stop post another part own cool story.
Yeah. Language barrier. Got it.
As for HSR, right from that article:
"We haven’t even talked about what to do for... the inconsistencies rewinding can cause between lagging and non-lagging players"
What that means is that, sometimes, things don't exactly line up. Hence, I can be twisted on my screen when I'm about to be shot, yet on their screen I'm not twisted and they shoot my CT and hit my CT. Then the server "predicts" where I am, how much I am twisted, where the enemy is, when they shot, will their shot hit, where their shot will hit... and sometimes things are not correct.
I can recall many times a shot went clean through a target I hit and it did no damage. Other times, I've shot, missed, but was rewarded with damage despite missing on my own screen. That's prediction for you. It isn't always accurate, so yes. I can know how to twist, from the full presenting of a side to the little nose wobble, and yes I can still take CT damage from HSR saying I wasn't twisted.
Hence, some of the issue. And, all that still doesn't even address the fact that you can apparently be one shot killed by (in this specific case) an Annihilator despite being in a 60 ton mech if it hits you in the CT. A heavy mech, dropping in a single hit. Am I the only one that thinks that this doesn't feel right? Or is TTK really okay and a single shot acceptable to kill most mechs in the game?
Twisting is irrelevant to that statement. Is it, or is it not, a good TTK frame of one alpha to potentially drop a heavy mech? Is that the TTK we want and expect from this game?