Chortles, on 02 July 2018 - 04:19 PM, said:
If a new player has to play in the upper tiers, he's going to lose a lot and quit the game because that's bad new player experience. That will be no different than them playing in group queue. I doubt the solos on the team would appreciate having a T5 in a T1 game.
Nor would a T3 game appreciate having a Tier 1 w/friend in their game with his fully dressed out mechs(if used average tier). Of course for several games said friend can create an alt account, use a trial mech and go that route for several matches, repeat/rinse. Friend becomes more comfortable, they try it with friend's main account. Hai, but even as a vet using a trial mechs, it would not take many matches to hit Tier 4 then Tier 3. Of course I am looking at the vet being tier 1 himself, or Tier 2.
Of course before all of that said friend should be using private lobbies (need a map with mechs, even idle mechs for said friend to fire at while receiving instructions. It would be up to said friend to try to gather friends (social networking..) more to make a more viable game for the group queue (but no FP.. /shudders). There isnt anywhere that is a holding queue for people to meet up who are looking for private matches to allow said freedom.
Again, provided PGI would even consider it and willing to put in the work. (not holding my breath..)
There needs to be at least one tier difference with the players.
Take the average tier of the two.
Top tier can not utilize is personally owned mechs, must always use an available Trial mech to be eligible to drop the duo into the Quick play queue.
Edited by Tarl Cabot, 02 July 2018 - 05:15 PM.