Haipyng, on 03 July 2018 - 08:26 AM, said:
As worried as people seem to be about balance in QP, it seems doubtful that solos of a meaningful quantity would want to drop in GP and enjoy the ultimate randomness of the GP MM. That said it's an idea that you would think would be easy to implement with no appreciable downside as long as solos can opt out of joining GP, so why not?
Actually a ton of us have been asking to get to opt into GQ since the creation of group vs solo queue many years ago. I think you would be shocked at how many of us would go pug in GQ. The thing that some people are objecting to about GQ (there's all these people like, in teams, doing that teamwork thing and it makes being a derp SO HARD) is exactly what we're looking for.
Honestly it might solve a lot - Solo queue would pretty much be where all the solo yolo rambos can go to be terribad, LRMs will be considered totally OP and twisting is just like HAX. GQ will functionally just be where people go for teamwork gameplay in a game that is, amazingly, based entirely around 2 teams of 12 fighting each other and over objectives.
I think you'd be surprised at how many would do it. I know a lot of people who would play more often if they could do that.