SneekiBreeki, on 27 June 2018 - 10:10 AM, said:
If you agree with buffing the underperforming weapons then you must've missed the fact that SEVERAL competent and competitive players alike agree on a clan ermedium/heavy large laser damage nerf, What's stupid is the gauss nerf since clan gauss rifles have NEVER been the problem balance wise in the current meta.
I haven't missed that, and the lasers are the issue here. The only "nerf" being proposed is a littel recoil effect... which we can see in the PTS and weigh in on. If all it does is desync the ability to pinpoint gauss and lasers at the same time that's probably good enough, any more i agree would be over kill... but the underlying issue is the lasers so dealing with them might make teh recoil unnecessary... we will see.
SneekiBreeki, on 27 June 2018 - 10:10 AM, said:
On this you're wrong, peak and poke style is the preferred one for this reason: mobility got nerfed into the ground.
With mechs being unable to spread damage through torso twist like they used to you're ofc going to suffer much more from burst DPS peak and poke builds.There's also several other reasons as for why peak and poke style is prevalent nowadays but i'm not gonna post them here for they have already been repeatedly posted in this same thread and for i don't want to type a wall of text.
The slow down of mech torsos is a bit of an issue... which has reduced the ability spread damage, which has led to.... a shorter than ideal TTK which is why people are hiding rather than getting shot at because if they didn't they'd die faster than they deemed otherwise reasonable. We are ACTUALLY agreeing here, really we are regardless of whether or not you'd like to admit it.
Would even just speeding up torso twist movement change the game and increase TTK and make other playstyles more viable even without changes to weapons... well yes yes it would and I'd support that. would bringing all the weapons closer together in power still be something that should be addressed... yes, and I'd argue it would still be wise to move them towards teh current middle of the power scale. (Bottom up to middle first)
SneekiBreeki, on 27 June 2018 - 10:17 AM, said:
As i've already typed in my edited post there's a solution to the light and medium mech fragility: mobility and rescaling.
For the love of god or whatever you believe in ask for the right fixes, not for useful bandaids that will do more harm than anything else.
I'll ask for what i think is reasonably going to be implemented by PGI. We can argue about the platonic ideal of Balance and design in MWO but what's the point if it's not something that is going to get done?
The funny thing about this is we really are on the same page (mostly) there are a few key details we differ on that would adjust the direction of balance but in the main we aren't seeing different things, mostly it's a matter of interpretation of data.
Edited by Agent of Change, 27 June 2018 - 10:30 AM.