Navid A1, on 26 June 2018 - 01:23 PM, said:
What are you even on about? Who is talking about GH?
GH for Larges and meds... so 1 LL + 2 Meds gives you ghost heat?
GH for Gauss + PPC was not a good move at all. It created the current laser vomit problem.
The last sentence of my post that you have quoted, I had suggested the Large+Med laser GH.
And I thought I had spammed enough of my "crazy" stuff in the last few weeks/months (especially since the Community panel post), but here is the last post, rest is in my sig:
TL;DR of my Balance suggestions and to answer your question:
GH max for Large Lasers raised to 3x for both factions
GH max for PPCs raised to 3x for all PPCs
GH Large and Med Laser grouped, so the max you can build is:
3x combination of ANY Large+Med, or only 6x Meds without Larges (as right now).
Some tweaks (similar to Community panel, but more focused on bringing
OP stuff down than
average stuff up) and few basic changes (e.g. all ACs using burst).
Heck, I even buff laser cooldowns and bring in new gameplay style with fast pulse lasers.
I believe that people who are for more nerfs think that bringing down ok weapon systems makes them able to compete and have fun. I believe they are wrong... as 6 years of constant nerfs have proved that they are wrong.
Also... if you are getting one-shot with the current state of the game... the problem is YOU!
you sure you are playing MWO?
You want to be able to face-tank a firing line in your LRM atlas and live for more than 5 seconds?
The problem of this game is that kind of mentality.
No amount of nerfs can make you survive a face-tanking encounter... NOTHING can save you.
I don't think you know my mentality, and it doesnt matter or belong here.
I don't play Atlas with LRMs, and I dislike most of my Assault mechs, because as a PUG, I often are too reliant on the other Puggers movement/coordination.
That said, I had some great games in my Mad Cat mk2 or Blood Asps and also some very bad ones, due to obvious mistakes in positioning and lacking team coordination.
But what is worst is to do mistakes in a brawling Medium mech, or my PPC/Gauss Marauder and leave the match with 50 dmg or something.
I don't want to face tank all day long (or I would take a Dakka Assault with RAC5s/UAC5s).
I want to play a game where it's possible to survive long enough to actually use my weapons, without waiting in the back of my team in a brawling medium mech until they are dead and I can "clean up" or die trying, just because otherwise I will eat one volley and get crippled ("one shot").
Guess what... those 80% of weapons down there are the ones that were nerf'd to that place... If you nerf the top 20% to that level, then you have to repeat the nerfs to weapons that will become the new 20%... and on and on and on it goes... until the likes of you gonna ask for jelly sticks because you are still getting one-shot.
That might be the reason why Lasers are better than PPCs now, but it doesnt change the fact that they are better and need to be aligned again.
If the GAP between the 80% and 20% is larger than the gap between all the 80%, then that's a huge gap to be closed.
If there is any more Gap inside that is "large", there will be another round of nerfs/changes, but if the gaps are then smaller and smaller, there is much more room for buffs.
Navid A1, on 26 June 2018 - 01:42 PM, said:
See these two comments people.
these are the problems.
If you are wondering how people die so fast in the first 5 minutes of the game... look no further. Here they are thinking that its the weapon's problem and not how they play!
So now you are ignoring the comments of these two also without actually replying to their explanation.
Probably too much paranoia that someone might actually use logic on you...
Lawrence Elsa, on 26 June 2018 - 02:08 PM, said:
You're absolutely right Navid. If someone is getting shot in the face and dies instantly there is no way a single mech did it to him, even if the 94 alpha dire existed and did it to him, he could twist after the gauss hit him and spread the laser damage (just like what you should do when being shot by laservom).
if he was out where the enemy team could see him and murder him from being shot by more than one person's alphastrike, its not the fault of the people who shot him.
I have never seen the 94 alpha dire in any game. I have seen 3 stagger-fire supernovas, and maybe 7 MadCats with heavy larges + Gauss that sit in the open long enough to get murdered by the three people who turn around to punch it in the face.
Being shot by more than one mech has almost always been what has meant the death of me or my enemies in QP. Only 1v1 light fights have been the exception. Its why the Dealthsrike never sits in the front line, because it will die if more than one person focuses on it.
When you are fighting multiple targets (which is inevitable in a brawl that is not peak and hide), there will be times where you get shot from one side and you will not even notice the damage fast enough to twist, or you will just twist in the direction that someone else is facing you.
Sure there are enough times where you can survive a few people shooting you by twisting. I've done it often enough.
But a team that is coordinated enough will just focus on few targets and then your twisting will not make you live much longer with the dmg output possible in the current game - not only Lasers, but these are the easiest to hit with!
If you don't bring a heavy/assault with armor quirks (that's barely enough bonus for 2 med lasers)... you will get killed exponentially faster!
Again TL;DR:
I prefere a game where it's possible to survive longer, so the battles are longer.
- Higher % of BATTLE time > match time > waiting time = best buff (many dislike Solaris because the waiting and battle time is nearly equal).
- If a single Elite player can "carry" the game by "taking out" targets fast because he is using the strongest build (which is >20% better than other builds) instead of because he is just better player, the game is ot balanced enough!
- Elite players should not be feared because they bring 70-90dmg Laser Vomit meta, but because they can be deadly bringing ANY build (e.g. Summoners with PPCs or UAC20).
Daggett, on 26 June 2018 - 02:20 PM, said:
Generally i agree, almost all early deaths happen due to bad decisions. But the question is how forgiveful the game needs to be to not only appeal to the most competitive players but to more casual ones alike?
I think we can agree that oneshotting even some assaults like the direstar did would be too much for casuals. But where do we draw the line? Which amount of alpha would punish minor mistakes just enough that it matters for both competitive play as well as casual one without being frustrating in the latter environment?
Maybe the game could still be fun and playable on a highly competitive level without such big and devastating hits while also minimizing the frustration potential for the less skilled crowd?
Finally someone who understands the essence of all the "nerfing".
Without nerfing and with power creep you move towards a CS game where any mistake means instant death.
Mechwarrior should be about long time battle tactics and strategies rather than deathball overrun the target dummies.
Imperius, on 26 June 2018 - 02:24 PM, said:
If it has no effect then why make Gauss even more undesirable. I already don’t even play the game this just justifies my reason each pass.
Better yet just remove all guns let’s just hug guys!
You'r still here and QQing about your excile to get attention?
Here have some (gives cookie).
Imperius, on 26 June 2018 - 02:30 PM, said:
Dude I’ve used 2x ER-PPC 2x cGauss since I bought the Dire Wolf. I only Pilot assault mechs. Literally killed my play style and desire to play this game anymore. No point in arguing or trying to change things that are set in stone.
It seems to me that you are one of these people who like to pack the biggest punch and soak the most damage with one click.
I don't think that the nerfs made the build unplayable and there are other builds that should be fun...
oh wait, there is only power creep laser vom dominating your favorite PPC/Gauss build now.
wait wait wait... why are you not rooting for Laser nerfs then? Your favorite build would be useful again (as the Laser king would be reduced down to the same level).
Contradicting or hypocrite?