D V Devnull, on 05 July 2018 - 10:56 AM, said:
10.5/10 (Yes, really, they did better than perfect... regardless of whatever comes out of my Loot Bags.)
...Rating on this Event. I'll have to look forward to the next Loot Bag Event as well.

Anyway, pardon me while I go open my Loot Bags. I'm wondering what's inside, and I'm sure I'll be giving the Randomizer and/or Injector Systems the kind of (mostly unintended) headache that only comes when someone waits until they have all their gifts before opening them.

Well, scratch that Rating! Of all the bloody awful things I could run into while redeeming my Loot Bags, the page kept refreshing on me after every few that I opened. This repeatedly disrupted my trying to open all of my 150 Earned Loot Bags. That has NEVER happened to me before now, and I can usually click through all my bags in Reverse Order without any problems happening. I had to restart my clicking at least 7 times, and reselect the correct Tab at least 3 times!

As of right now, the Rating Value that I'm able to give this Event due to that highly disruptive Technical Issue can no longer equal or exceed a '10'... I'm sorry, but... THAT IS BAD CODE!

PGI's Event Handlers, your Rating for this Event is now reduced to a...
...with a Severe Recommendation that you get that problem fully fixed and repaired BEFORE the Next Loot Bag Event can come along!!!

~Mr. D. V. "Do NOT hit your MWO Community with such a 'landmine' problem... It WILL come back to bite you." Devnull