Revis Volek, on 08 July 2018 - 11:38 AM, said:
Congratulations for missing or avoiding the point but I'm glad that you likewise have something to put on your resume.
Zibmo, on 08 July 2018 - 06:25 AM, said:
Solaris City and Escort. When those are selected, my initial impulse is to suicide or yolo. I hate them that much. I don't, usually, but I will vote for pretty much ANYTHING besides those two. I entered a Feature Suggestion to allow for one and only one blacklist, either mode or map. The request was deleted. No idea why.
Solaris is one of the best maps in the game. The only thing wrong with it is that the sense of scale seems off, with mechs seeming comparatively short. Or maybe I always thought mechs were taller.
YakkSlapper, on 08 July 2018 - 07:38 AM, said:
there is no goal BUT to kill opponents, screw anything else,put things BACK like they were before useless 'map/mode' voteing, and new 'missions/modes'? PVP KILL OPPONENT is only thing matters. period.(yes i rairly play cause of the BS from game company, after spending more then your car is worth,thnx again for fkn over the game once again)
Then this game is as archaic as the tabletop game it is derived from.
Bombast, on 08 July 2018 - 06:10 AM, said:
...What? Are you claiming that people refusing to vote for Escort may actually love it?
Does simple logic elude people? Stats only show you the games that you've played.
If in 50 matches, 100 possible modes, Skirmish shows up 35 times, Assault shows up 25 times, Domination shows up 20 times, Conquest shows up 14 times and Escort and Incursion show up 3 times each and if at the end of those matches you played skirmish 30 times and Escort 2 times can you say that Skirmish is more popular?
No, it's more frequently presented as a possibility.
The only way you can judge the popularity of a mode is If in 51 matches, 102 modes, Skirmish, Assault, Domination, Conquest, Escort and Incursion each show up 17 times.
Is it likely that Incursion and Escort will both be picked less than the maximum number of times? And likely be picked less than all the other modes? Yes. But does the current match making prove that Escort is less popular? No. Because it's not on equal footing.
There is something you can say as theory. And something you can say as fact.
If you want to demonstrate that Escort is less popular you say "Because PGI have it show up less frequently, Escort must be less popular because PGI have a history of responding to customer feedback as evidenced by X,Y and Z". Not "look at your stats, you played less Escort games than Skirmish! PROOF PROOF!"
Edited by KoalaBrownie, 08 July 2018 - 02:45 PM.